Advice On External Asset Management Naming Conventions with Wrike🔧
Wondering how other Wrike users categorize their projects in their asset management database. Do you use the project ID or match the Projects & Folders pathways to what's in your database? I know Wrike can integrate with some (i.e. Sharepoint) but how do you break it down in the database so it matches what's in Wrike? Could there be a syncing feature I'm unfamiliar with?👀
Thanks 😃
Hi Tatiana Kouvatsos, I've featured your post on the main Community page so that more members see it 🙌
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa That's so nice! Thank you so much! 😃
Tatiana Kouvatsos we use this exact scenario. We have opted to use our Wrike ID's as the number for our DAM (we use Brandworkz). When they first implemented Wrike, they used the last 4 digits but now we use the last 5 digits. We also have a strict naming convention that our designers/copywriters, etc have to stick to.
Here's what it looks like:
1. New item created in Wrike, grab the last 5 numbers via the ID field
2. Re-name the Wrike task with the 5 numbers first
3. This name (especially the number) stays with the item across all of our platforms: DAM, Proofing Tool, Jira tickets, Email Follow-ups, Backup Server - even when we message each other it's always "Can you look at ticket #61554 for me?" and all of our Blueprints start with "Job#_" in the title to prompt new tickets to include the job number

4. All subtasks within the parent task get the same number. We mostly use Parent Tasks and Subtasks (aka child tasks) over Projects. For example - if we had a flyer that needed Copy created, I would have the Subtask for Copy use the same ticket number - and it would level up to the Parent Task.
Most of our Projects aren't categorized by an ID number - they're used as a "bucket" to track progress but we don't use the Project number (mostly because if we did this, all of the assets would be jumbled together and we need individual numbers for our DAM).
Oh! And if we happen to have an Ad Set or something (ie, 10 ads are all the same design but 10 sizes) we do add a decimal so it would look like:
FWIW, I did inherit this system - in an ideal world this would be a little more automated. It's very manual but hopefully someday Wrike will implement this - all of the info is there, they just need to give us an option to use Last 5 Digits in a Ticket ID and assign to the Subtasks as a Pre-Fix.
Hope this makes sense! Good luck, Tatiana!