Share Your Custom Statuses!📝

Curious about the custom statuses used by fellow Wrike users!

What did you add, what did you change? What's been crucial to your workflows? 😃

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Tatiana Kouvatsos Some of our most important statuses are "Waiting on Info" statuses. We further customize them by specifying which department we are waiting on. Management uses this to identify bottlenecks at a glance.

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📅 Planned - denotes the task is scheduled, but not ready to be started

🚀 Ready to Start - denotes that all dependencies have been completed and this task is ready to begin.

🤔 Researching - Like Ali mentioned above this is the status we use if we are waiting on more information from the requestor.

🛠️Testing - This is one we use when it comes to IT to make it clear that the development has been completed and we are running through the testing process. 

⚠️ ISSUE - This denotes that there is a problem with the task. 

➡️ Ready for Production - This denotes that the development and testing has been completed and the item is ready, however we haven't made the push to production yet. 

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We have quite a few custom workflows we have created for various teams to help with their workflow. We have a standard project workflow which includes statues such as In progress, Awaiting client action and awaiting internal feedback.  We use this for most of our projects.

Request work flow which we use for all of our incoming requests from our forms. This includes statues such as New-under assessment, Requires more information, In review.

We created a 'Sprint workflow' for our web team who have an agile workspace set up within their Wrike folders.

Meeting workflow to be used for meetings with status such as Meeting required, Meeting scheduled etc

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