Calendar widget - Snap task title to widget edge


On the Calendar view of the New Dashboards, the tasks labels do not appear if the task begins before the currently displayed time frame.
It would be great if the tasks labels would clip to the border of the "widget" to be always displayed, no matter the time frame.

Here is what I see on the calendar widget of my dashboard.

As you can see, there are no labels on the tasks. This is because the labels are only written at the far left of the bars. It can be seen on the screenshot below (I just moved few days before on the same widget).

Therefore, it would be great if the labels were clipped to the widget edges to be readable at all time.


Thank you by advance !

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Hey, Antonin! It's a known issue, and we plan to address it together with other improvements in the calendar widget relatively soon. Thank you for sharing your feedback!

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