Wrike Postman Status 300 Multiple Choices

I'm trying to get some basic response from postman with a Permanent access token set up as a Bearer Token.

I'm getting a status: Wrike Postman Status 300 Multiple Choices, and a blank body no results.

The header dose come back with the correct  x-w-account and 10  attributes. 

so it looks like its pulling something. 

basic setup:

And nothing. 

also tried creating a index.js: executed through node, The JSON returned error as a blank return.

Redirect URI* is set to default (http://localhost)

What am i missing!?

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Комментариев: 10

Troy DeLaRonde a bit hard to diagnose without seeing it. is it possible that you have it set as POST or PUT?

Miron Mizrahi Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Узнайте о самых популярных функциях Wrike и советах по его использованию

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I'm having the same issue. I'm using GET. My calls were working last week and are not anymore.

Edit :

Tried using datafactory to run the query to see if it's a postam issue but got a similar error :

url used : https://www.wrike.com/api/v4/tasks?createdDate={"start":"2024-02-01T00:00:50Z","end":"2024-02-29T23:55:15Z"}

my token is valid and my method is GET. Something changed since last week i think because i had no issues prior.


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I can get some output using the temporary code, but when i change to bearer token i get nothing.

using Get https://www.wrike.com/api/v4/folders  using a bearer token 

i get 10 header items,  no listing of the folders.

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Troy DeLaRonde I am using OAuth2.0 and "Bearer" in Header Prefix and it works:

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Thanks João,  

So I tried your method this morning and I still get the same issue.. 

It is connecting, if I change the token it errors with unauthorized..

I was able to create a temporary token in the OAuth 2.0 settings below and it connected successfully but still same error. wont list anything and its status 300. 

Following Mirons advice I will open a ticket on the issue, and report back any progress to this post as I figure it out. 

Thanks everyone.

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So it turns out that the get : https://www.wrike.com/api/v4/folders was incorrect. 

on my account I need it set to get : https://app-us2.wrike.com/api/v4/folders, and now it all works. 

Keep in mind your account prefix.

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Hey Troy, thanks for the answer here. I'm new to Wrike and am running into the same status 300 issue -- how do you change this in your account? Do you have to be an administrator to set it?

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Nevermind -- figured it out. I was following the Postman demo in the tutorial, and they suggested setting the Authorization to "Bearer Token", which didn't work for me. But when I switched authorization to "Inherit auth from parent", it worked

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Thanks a lot for sharing that Alex Baria 🙌

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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