Not possible to query projects?



why is it possible to query for tasks (great via API!) but not query (and therefore search) for Projects or folders by title?




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Комментариев: 3

Hi Justin Scholz, thank you for your comment. Similarly, as with tasks, you can query for projects and folders by using these methods. In case this is not what you were looking for, please let us know and we will put you in touch with one of our API specialists.

Thank you!
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Hi Juan, with tasks I can query by title which can be used in effect as a way to also search for tasks as I don't have to know the detailed ID or title. With folders there is no such "title" parameter I could use. And as there seems to be no search API endpoint, the only way to have search so far is by using the title field for task.

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Justin Scholz thanks for the additional details! I have opened a ticket with our Support Team so one of our API specialists can assist you with your query. One of our agents will reach out to you very soon 🙂

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