Effort Allocation Subtask Totals


Wondering if there is a quick way to view the total effort allocation for a task that has many subtasks within it, each with its own effort allocation. After viewing other posts, it looks like we're able to view effort total per all tasks within a project, but we use a tasks-within-folders structure currently.


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Is not possible to get effort on a parent task like the sum of child tasks.

You have to use folder.

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Hi Christine Maness, thank you for sharing your case with the Community!  As Pietro Poli mentions, at the moment this information is only available at the project level:

Thank you Pietro for sharing your valuable knowledge and expertise with the Community!

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Is this still up to date information? 

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Hi Brodie Wishart! 👋🏼

Yes, the information shared above by Pietro Poli and Juan is up to date.

As there might be effort related to completing the parent task itself, currently it is not possible to set the effort of the parent task to be equal to the total effort assigned to its subtasks.

Please let us know if you have any further questions!

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