Project Panel - Should not look like a task
We use projects for nearly everything. But the project panel is essentially just a task. It is not a good UI experience and I do not see how it really serves a purpose.
When I think of a project information panel that is useful I want to see things like:
- Project Directory (as an example we are a design consultant)
- Architect
- Engineer
- Client General Manager
- Client District Manager
- Etc.... there is a long list of contacts I would love to put here
- Internal Stakeholders
- Designer
- Project Manager
- Etc.
- Budget Tracking
- How much is available?
- How much did I spend?
I know you can do all of this in the description field or in an attachment but it is really a makeshift solution. This needs to be far more robust to really serve as a project hubspot.
I was thinking "custom fields" that ONLY showed up at the Project Level would take care of most of this.