[Status: Launched 🚀] Custom Field HTML Link
I need a Custom Field type to be "Link" whereby a HTML link becomes clickable.
Example Custom Fields:
Google Drive Folder
Currently, one must use TEXT type field, and manually copy/paste the HTML link.
Hi Nic, thanks for posting! I really like this idea and can see why this would be useful. Can you share a use case here so we can all understand when you would use this type of feature?
Sure, so as an example, it can be tedious to continuously attach files to tasks in a project from GDrive, and especially on OneDrive (no search, kludgy interface), so a Custom Field called "Drive Folder", and a clickable link solves the problem and allows for a folder of attachments to be referenced, not a pile of attached files.
Thanks Nic, it's an interesting idea. Thanks for sharing and providing a use case, it's very helpful for me and also our Product team when reviewing Custom Fields. we'll be sure to pass this feedback on!
This is a good idea. We require a custom field for a company URL, that is formatted as a hyperlink, so we don't have to copy and paste
Any update on this feature? There are many instances where it would be useful and it's a common field type in other software that has lists with custom fields.
This feature would be very useful to our team. We have a lot of projects and links to copy docs, request forms, assets, etc. This would allow us to easily export all of our projects and have all of the links that we need instead of digging through 100+ of projects and tasks.
This would be awesome to have. We have some custom fields that link to Vimeo or files that would be very helpful if they were clickable links rather than having to copy/paste links.
Another use case for this requirement is linking back to documents stored in our corporate document management system through hyperlinks
Agreed. This would be amazing to have our team link to our published blog posts.
We also need this. Seems like a easy enough add to one of the Field Type options
USE CASE: I'm creating projects as SFDC opportunities close and I need to link back to the Account and the Opportunity. Trying to manage that in the Description field becomes messy. It would be simpler to inject them into a custom field (which I do) that is clickable.
This seems like a simple update. How long are your sprints?
We need this as well - due to government contracts, my company has to be very careful as to where documents are actually stored;and the safest, most hassle-free means of sharing documents is via shared links to various repositories.
We also desperately need this functionality. We have built our own proprietary content management platform and we need to feed links into our Wrike Tasks via API Integration. The description field is one way we could manage this but it would be optimal to simply have a field that was capable of holding a URL and making it clickable.
I have a similar use case: I have a 1 to 1 project in Wrike to a folder in box relationship. Currently just hyperlinking text in the description of the project. But a persistent link that is available to reports etc... would be super helpful.
I would love to make a "resources" field where I can link several documents pertinent to that task in a drop down with custom link text. Looking forward to this feature!
Would love this field as well!
Hey guys, thanks for your continued input here. For now I don't have an update for you on this one. Please make sure to +1 the original suggestion by Nic if you haven't already.
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
I'm in the process of changing project management systems, making it easy to connect and then link to a folder on Google Drive or, for a big win, a folder on a network share would be amazing. I just can't see how Wrike or many of the other modern platforms won't just create a big mess of our project files.
We need this functionality, too - it's even possible in this text field here, so why not in Wrike and custom fields ;) ?
yes, just tried to set up a custom field as a "link" type and was expecting to see it there. With Wrike having limited ability to interact with tools such as invision, figma, airtable, and many other "big-use" complimentary apps I'm sure a lot of Wrike users also have in tandem with Wrike, the "link" type custom field would at least be some remnant way to indication connection with assets in these other apps. Granted, what we could really use are simple integrations so live links could be embedded, again a lot of other apps like Notion, Coda, ClickUp, do this.
Please implement this, and if you guys can make headway on live embedding links all the better. If you don't plan to implement a "native" area in the task to place embedded links, a custom field is the next best option. And if the link can't really be "embedded" so it updates live, or renders a preview from the link location, at least it would be good to be able to add a true link to the custom field, and not just force one into the "text" type field!
This would be a must also for us. We need an easy link toward our Product development database.
This is something easy to do. It's already available in Asana for example. Any text field with an URL is transformed automatically into a link :
Please Wrike dev team, stay on top. Don't follow others.
Yes... please update the custom field to include a clickable URL.

Hey everyone, thank you for all of your feedback and use cases. All of this has been passed on to our Product team, I'll let you know as soon as I have an update 😊
Hi Hugh, checking in. Any update?
Hi Lindsey Shapiro, welcome to the Community! No updates at the moment, we hope to be able to share some news in a couple of months
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
it would be very useful if it were possible to add a "link" field in the custom fields section.
We are trying to add tracking links behind shipments or a 'mailto:' link for emails.
There are a few options already but I don't understand why this would not be a given, knowing that many people (as you can see in this forum) would use it to link certain items to websites, mails, etc.
Yes. Almost three years after original request and multiple "seems like a good idea..."
Currently, a very limiting limitation. Currently, having to copy and paste content that, if it changes, becomes obsolete.
Hi Scribe Connector and Patrick Bohrer, thank you for this feedback. It's been passed on to the Product team.
@wrike any update on this request? We want to be able to link easily to g drive folders.
My org is yet one more Wrike client who would benefit greatly from this feature. We're gearing up for our launch, and I'm currently planning to copy/paste a link to each project's Sharepoint folder in the description for every single task within every project. A feature like this would make my life much easier :)