Adding a column for Project owner in task-based reports
I'd like the ability to see the project owner in a task-based report table.
When we go through our weekly status meeting I go through a task based report and discuss all deliverables on the list, arranged by project. I want to be able to see who the project lead is, in addition to who is responsible for the individual tasks, because the status of the project is usually provided by the owner, while the task assignees give updates on their tasks. I can't use a project based report because then i lose visibility of all the tasks.
Hi Austin, thank you for posting this idea here! Are there any other attributes which you think would be beneficial to include in Reports, to make this experience more streamlined for you and your team?
Hi Austin,
I have the same need! I want to be able to include project level columns (i.e., prioritization of the entire project) in reports made at the task level.
Fingers crossed it happens!
We have the same problem as Austin.
To make an efficient review meeting I need to use "Table view" with "Expand all" function.
And to be honest it is a little bit annoying.
My original message to helpdesk:
Is there a possibility to create a report which will look like table view with "expand all"?
Now we have two options - only projects heads with status or only tasks.
There is no structured view which helps to make report clear and easy to review.
It is very frustrating to not have the option to sort by owner of the project. While the tasks are assigned, the project is owned and cannot be filtered out.
It is hard to report a timeline, in the new or in the old way.
Please help.
Thank you