[Status: Not planned] Board View For Projects
It would be really helpful if I could create a board view on projects. I love the board view for tasks and I am requesting the ability to create a board view for projects. Thanks for considering!
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It would be really helpful if I could create a board view on projects. I love the board view for tasks and I am requesting the ability to create a board view for projects. Thanks for considering!
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Yes please would improve this function no end
YES YES YES! It would be amazing to setup dashboards that aggregated different project/folder tags (and not tasks). We could display this on a big screen in the studio and everyone could see one big dashboard of ALL current types of projects. PLEASE make this a priority, it would improve Wrike no end for total project management.
Great call! This would be AMAZING to see all our projects in a dashboard view, would help so much with team planning sessions
Yes please, this would be great
Hi everyone, thanks for posting your thoughts here! Would love to hear about the Project attributes you would be interested in seeing there. Would the cards on the Board represent individual Projects (without displaying tasks), or would each Project card show a list of tasks related to it too?
Personally I'd like to just see a card for each project, essentially listing all the projects in a certain tag.
This would be perfect to see all the jobs we have under: Branding / Websites / Videos / Production etc etc as separate widgets. We could then click to drill further, or maybe have dropdowns like you do with sub-tasks.
I've created a quick mockup to show how we'd like it, each card just uses the title of the project/folder:
Hey Anastasia,
In regards to your question on the project attributes, I would love it if each card could represent a project and show a tally of the number to tasks which is similar to how task are displayed in the board view. The user could then click on that project within the board view and see the tasks associated with that project. Also, I would like to be able to create the board view off of tags, status, custom field or workflow process. Thanks!
+1 for this feature!
+1 from me as well!
Thank you for contributing, everyone! Some fantastic ideas there, I really appreciate the screenshots and description. Wanted to mention that the amount of upvotes for requests really helps us start conversations with our Product Team, so if you haven't already, make sure toclickk the "+" under the original post. Thank you! :)
This would be very useful in our organization as well. Especiallly if we could set up custom life cycle workflows for all the projects in a particular folder. A nice way to handle activating, executing and completing portfolios of projects.
This would be a huge help and tremendous value for the product to provide. We struggle with this daily!
Yes, yes and yes! I'm waiting for this function!
Any progress on this? It would be a huge benefit for us and I'd imagine a lot of other users.
One of the big hangups we're experiencing with Wrike so far is that it's really awesome for managing and tracking tasks but not very helpful for higher level project tracking. We have dozens of active projects in progress at a time with hundreds of tasks. So to get a high level view of everything is very difficult since tasks and their status don't tell us at a high level which projects need revised, which are 50% complete, and which projects are ready to send to the client.
So far we just can't find a clear way to track an all our project's progress. Ideally we'd be able to setup a custom workflow for our projects just like we do for tasks. Then we can have the project manager updating the project status as tasks are completed and view which projects are in which stage. Would love to be able to tag all the active projects in a folder, go to the board view for the folder and choose to view projects instead of tasks.
Currently only having green, yellow, red, completed, on hold, cancelled as the only project status options is very limiting to overall project management.
If there is a way to better track entire projects already within Wrike I'd love to know - thanks!
@Joe Quinn I'm in the same boat as you. We have a LOT of complex projects that we entered into Wrike based off of the description of the intended use of "Projects."
Due to the limited statuses available for Projects (and the lack of overall system visibility compared to tasks) I'm beginning to think we'd be better off setting up a high-level "Task" instead with associated subtasks.
What are everyone's thoughts on this?
The lack of this feature is preventing me from using Wrike as our team's project management tool. Keeping an eye on this thread for future consideration.
@Coilin Walsh - Our work around for now is to add an extra task to every project. Then we created a custom checkbox field called "Project?" and checked it for the 'project' task added to each project.
Then on the parent folder containing all our projects we filter down to only the cards that have "Project?" checked.
This should work for us, but is a tedious solution to something you'd expect to be available in a project management app.
Hi everyone, I love the ideas here (even though I know they're workarounds). They're definitely not the same as having custom Project statuses, but I would be helpful to hear why Project level Reports don't work for getting this type of information?
@Stephanie - Currently project level reports are only useful for seeing a workflow pipeline if you create a custom field like 'Project Status' that is only applied to projects. So that means projects are cluttered with two status dropdowns–a custom one and a useless one. The current project status with the limited options could only really work for the simplest of operations, which I doubt are interested in a robust app like Wrike.
So that's an ok workaround, but it's not as easy to use as a Board view where you can move projects back and forth easily or open them up for more details. Editing the existing project status options and a board view for projects, not tasks, would be a huge win for our team!
@Joe thanks for the explanation on the workaround - I'll look into that for our team here, but with Projects we have that are already extremely complex by their very nature, I cringe whenever I have to add a workaround.
@Stephanie, everything Joe mentioned yesterday would sum up our response to your question as well.
@Joe @Coilin thanks guys!
I also join the group! Thanks for the interesting solutions and workarounds, but having a way to visualize projects in a Board view would be really great!
At the moment I'm trying to find a way to visualize and easily work with our Weekly Planning. I create usually a task in order to have a list with checkboxes in the description, and it appears in my dashboard, but I also need to create a project for each WP in order to use it as a tag for all the other tasks located in different projects. It's doubling the info basically.
Thanks for any update on this issue!
I would LOVE to have the ability to set up a CUSTOM BOARD view that would allow me to categorize what Phase a project or folder (that houses projects) is at.
Currently I have our folder structure set up as follows:
> Pre Launch
> Client A (folder which then houses mutliple project templates for services we offer)
> Client B
> Client C
> Client D
Each of my Clients are in a different phase of their website project (ie Logo Design, Design Proof, Build Phase, Preview Link, Launch Approval, Launch, Post Launch QA, etc)
What I would like to be able to do is have custom phase titles and then have cards for the Client folder that I can drag and drop as a client progresses to a new phase. This would not need to effect the actual Projects or tasks within the folder, it would just allow me to see where all my clients are at a glance. This is especially helpfull when I have a lot of clients in one category as it allows me to forecast when my team will need assistance (ie If 5 projects all move in to the build phase or if I have multiple clients in the preview link phase, etc)
So just for a visual here is what I'm trying to describe:
Client A Client E Client B Client C Client D
Client F Client G
Client H
Please let me know if you need a better description!
Thank you in advance for any time and attention you spend on this request!
Hi guys, I wanted to let you know that our Product Team is currently discussing a way to show Project information in Dashboards. I understand this isn't the same as having the visibility on Boards but it's a step in the right direction. It's early stages but we should have more concrete information to share in the future.
If you're also interested in seeing Project info in Dashboards, it would be great to see your votes on the original request by Helene 👍
I would love to add to this thread. Our Digital Marketing team recently started using Wrike instead of Trello for their workload. It would be awesome if the Board View had all the same functionality of the Task View. It seems that by using board view (which they are more comfortable with) also limits some of the functionality that they have access to.
Some suggestions:
1) Absolutely a project view would be amazing. It would also be great if from the Board, you could see not only who the project or task is assigned to, but also icons of the assignees that the subtasks or for a project, tasks are assigned to. That way looking at the board, everyone on the team would know if they have a part to play.
2) More shortcuts! For example, when you are creating a card on a board in Trello you can use the # and @ symbols to easily assign work to folders and assignees. In Wrike, you have to create the task on the board and then open it up, add the folder and assignee on the task itself. Seems minor but this is a time saver for sure.
3) When clicking on the "+" to add a folder to a task in board view (or really anywhere) it shows you ALL of the folders you have access to. It would be nice if you could choose what folders you wanted to appear. An enterprise solution like ours, that list gets daunting.
4) More functionality when you right click a card. Currently you can only choose importance for the task, maybe having the ability to add assignees and such would be helpful.
Overall, being able to have a project view, much like the project view you are working on for the dashboard, including percentage complete, would be a HUGE benefit for our teams.
I think this would be super beneficial for teams that use subprojects as phases. From reading others comments it sounds like many of us use Wrike in this manner where subprojects are more of a phase to complete the actual master project. This is something I definitely find that is missing from the platform. If there were "phases" it may be easier to see this in a Dashboard/Board view in the future.
This is something that would help us a lot!!! I can't wait for that to be implemented.
I agree- having a basic Kanban board view of all projects would help us to visualize the total workload for our group. It is nice to have the granular view- but skipping to the grains without seeing the loaf of bread is a continuing daily challenge.
It is a shame to have such a robust product that doesn't provide this topline feature. I have to use it alongside an excel doc, trello or a grid on a team whiteboard to get the view we need.
I'd be thrilled with:
- New
- On Hold
- In Progress
- In Development
- In Review
- Completed
This should be a hierarchical board like Leankit Kanban. The widget in Dashboards isn't very helpful (as with reports, it's another destination we must navigate to). Each level in the hierarchy should be accessible by an associated level of user access. There are plenty of examples to follow for implementing overall program/portfolio management.
Same here!
A dashboard/kanban style board of the projects would be very helpful. It's one way to show the tables, but from a presenting standpoint, it's easier to display a quick dashboard to show every project and their progress. If we can assign colors to it too.. that be even more amazing. (Which I think we can do per folder anyway, but not per project?)