email integration - forward in loses formatting

Sometimes I like to take an email from someone and forward it to the wrike email address of a specific task, very handy. 

the problem comes in on the task side. the email is represented as [forwarded email] ... 

the quoted text is hidden so you don't naturally see the update. once you expanded the hidden text all the formatting of the email is lost and its very difficult to view

any inline graphics are made to be attachments and html formatting goes away.

can this be fixed?


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Hi Nate! The formatting does change when an email is forwarded, but I'd love to learn about the types of information you typically want to send into Wrike. This will help understand how this process can be facilitated. Looking forward to hearing from you!

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Hi Nate! Our Product Team is interested in learning more about your use case so we could adjust our Email Integration engine to better fit the needs you and other teams have. If you could provide us with a few typical examples of emails that lost formatting when forwarded to Wrike, we would really appreciate it. If you feel more comfortable providing such examples privately, let me know, and I’ll drop you a line via email. Hoping to hear from you soon!

Mike G. Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Узнайте о самых популярных функциях Wrike и советах по его использованию

Mike G. Wrike Team member Узнайте о самых популярных функциях Wrike и советах по его использованию

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The emails that are forwarded directly to the task will not show when the task is printed. It will expand when I click the three dots (In wrike) but when I go to print the task - it is closed again and not in the printout. With the e-mail task updates, it is so convenient to send task e-mails to the task but when we need to audit a task, we really need to be able to print the task and all of the attachments/comments.


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Hmm, looks like this is still not fixed. I send emails into Wrike all the time, many of these emails from GMAIL have various formatting to the text, that is different colors, different font sizes, etc. Wrike strips all that out and makes it so in some cases the forwarded email is just not usable. It would be MUCH better if Wrike did not change anything in the email so that the user can see all the formatting as is, OTHERWISE, we have to still refer back to the original GMAIL thread. We also don't want any extra steps that involve printing to a PDF and reattaching it to an email, yuck!  Just need Wrike to accept incoming email from GMAIL with text formatting intact please. What do you say Wrike?

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Even displaying the first few lines of the forwarded email would be a help when scanning through a task's stream of comments. Hiding everything behind the ... requires you to click on every forwarded email just to see what it was about.

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Agreed that would like to view the first few lines of the forwarded email instead of the entire message being hidden.

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spoiler alert: off topic - but when using the Add as a comment Outlook Add in - if the email has attachments are ignored, would be great for them to be added. Do attachments get added if we forward in an email? I cant remember, I usually use the Outlook Add in exclusively now. 


I really want to use Wrike more, but I struggle with getting files in and out and comments via email in enough.

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We use GSuite for email so we don't have a plug-in available.  However, with my testing, the forward email will capture the attachments and add them to the task.

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Thanks David for confirming. Always a pleasure to meet another Wrike user fighting the good fight.

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Hey everyone, thank you for all of your feedback here. It's been passed on to the Product team.

I don't have an update for you at the moment, but as soon as I do, I'll let you know.

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These two screenshots clearly show where the problem lies. Is it foreseeable, when a solution will be found for this?


Original in Outlook

In Wrike

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Hi Marco Nipkow, welcome to the Community and thank you for bumping this thread. We don't have any updates in relation to this request right now but we'll be sure to let you know if anything changes.

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Not only do outlook emails lose formatting when added to a task, but only the most recent email in a thread appears. Will it ever be possible to add an email as it appears in outlook (formatted and including a whole thread) in creating a task from an email or adding an email to a task as a comment? That would make this very useful feature much more useful.

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Thanks a lot for sharing your feedback here David Haney! I don't have an update for email formatting at the moment, but I'll pass your feedback to our team 👍

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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