Turn time tracking on/off per task based on workflow status

Add an option to each workflow step (default and custom) to configure whether additional time can be logged against the task based on the status.

For example, let's say there is a customer workflow with two statuses under Active:


In Progress

I want to be able to set 'In Progress' to allow time logging but so that users need to update the status from 'Planned' before they can start logging time. 



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Hi Carl, thank you for sharing! I'd love to learn a bit about where the need for this is coming from. Do you think this would be helpful for the purpose of ensuring that the task status is changed on time?

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Hi Anastasia,

It would be useful for a number of reasons.

Firstly it ensure the team updates the status when they start working on a task (only way to log time to it).

Secondly, it can be used to ensure team members are only allocating time to specific tasks.

Thanks, Carl

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Carl, thank you for taking the time to clarify that! Do you often encounter these situations when users start tracking time too early or too late (when the task isn't in the required status)?

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Anastasia - more likely the other way around. Someone just adding time without updating the status of the task.

Hopefully in the future there will be more 'workflow status' related smarts to make it easier to automatically drive events off the workflow statuses.

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Carl, thank you, good to know! That's an interesting idea.

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I would love the option to prevent users to record time once a task is marked as completed.

We invoice and measure the success of a task at the time it is marked as completed, and any additional time accidentally recorded after completion affects our invoicing the our measurements of success.

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I want to know how long my team members spend on tasks, however they also change only the task status and often forget to start tracking time.

This idea help us to solve the above problem and to manage tasks more efficiently.

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Hey @Everyone, thanks for sharing your feedback here, I really like the idea. Please keep voting and adding use-cases, they help our Product team assess popularity of feature suggestions here. Once the original post reaches 60 votes, we'll add one of the Product Feedback statuses to it 👍

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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