Custom field show/hide settings
When I create any custom field (regardless at any level e.g. top level folder or project or tasks) I should be able to decide which folder/project/task/subtask should have it or not.
I should be able to control where (on which folder, project, task or subtask) I want the custom field to appear and where I want it to be hidden.
Please VOTE for this post as I feel it can be very useful for people who rely on custom fields to run their reports and projects.
Thank you!
Jarnail Singh
Jarnil, thank you for taking the time to share this on the Community too, after discussing this with our Support Team! :)
The Wrike team is pointing us towards the following article for this topic. Please upvote at the below link if you want this feature:
This is very important. I'm running into this and my inability to configure this is frustrating for me because end users (of which I'm one) get upset about it