[Status: Launched! 🚀] Custom Fields - Add more calculation methods

We would like to be able to carry out more calculations in using custom fields.





or Better still have formula fields where we can add a formula using selected custom fields and constants and show result.

This will also need to be shown in table views, reports and be able to filter and order reports and list by the results.


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Hi Paul, thanks for posting! Improvements to the Table View are on our roadmap, and it's great hearing about the functionality you would like to see there :)

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Hi, in addition we also would like to have summary results of custom fields in the Reports, somewhat similar to the table view summary of numerical custom fields

Thank you in advance


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@Miquel, thank you for sharing this idea! Another Community user, Pauline, recently submitted a feature request for this: Possibility to see summary of Custom Fields in Reports. It would be great to have your vote there! :)

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@Anastasia, any news about the request "more calculations in custom fields" ?

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@Haik, thanks for commenting here! While this is something that's being discussed internally, it isn't on the roadmap for the nearest future. Thank you for keeping this thread active!

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Hi -

I'd like to have more robust functions in table view - we're currently using it to track date metrics so it would be great to be able to calculate the difference between dates, similar to the =weekday() function in excel.  This would give us the ability to report metrics on those dates without having to manually export to excel, add functions, and then distribute via email - this is too time consuming and prone to human error.

See attached for an example how we're tracking dates... I'd like to add columns to calculate the spread between dates.


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Hi Alex, this is an interesting idea! I've heard something similar before, but it was linked more to Custom Workflows. The idea was to create a tracking mechanism for the amount of time a task spent in a certain status/stage of the workflow. In your example, there would be separate statuses for stages between "Brief Complete" and "Released", and the amount of time spent in those in-between statuses would be tracked. Does this resonate with your suggestion? Would love to hear your thoughts on this!

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HI Anastasia. i think the suggesting is a good one. if there were some functions available from excel, or built in it would be very helpful to be able to track how long has been spent on tasks in relation to anticipated timelines to identify inefficiencies or inefficiencies. my requirement is quite basic i think as I would like to have the ability to see the burn rate against a budget to ensure we don't go over budget. which is a function that Mavenlink offer. 

I also have another request in respect of the time & Expenses tracking, which is that it would be great to be able to either generate an invoice or report directly from the system but when doing so is shows the time as being billed. at present unless you make a comment or leave a note there is no way of easily identifying if time has been billed or not. This is something that has come to light recently as i have a new assistant who is responsible for billing and unless i sit with her and explain what has and hasn't been billed, she could be issuing invoices for time that has already been paid for, which doesn't look great. I was using a timekeeping system called Paymo that was very good in that respect. Hopefully this function can be added in the fullness of time? i don't think there is any need to have a full blown accounting system but as previously mentioned you do need to see what has been billed and unbilled more easily in my view. thanks

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Hi Anastasia -

Yes the workflow metric you mention is something I've requested many times from the Wrike team and would be my first choice.

The table view tracker is our current workaround for that feature not yet existing.

I've had developers look into using the API to report on status changes but it only allows access to the *current* status of a task, and doesn't allow access to historical data on status changes for a given task, even though I know the system tracks that info (you can manually review it on individual tasks when you view the stream).

Is this something in the works?  It would be amazing.

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Stephanie Westbrook

Hi @Alex Orttewell Thanks for the feedback here. In terms of invoices that have/haven't been sent, could Custom Fields or Custom Statuses help to designate what has or hasn't been sent? That way you could specify an invoice's status without having to sit together and it would still be clear what the next action item should be. Let me know what you think, or if you want more details on how to do this!

@Alex Freund I know it's not the functionality you need, but glad you're using the Table View to try and capture that information. I've talked to our Product team and this isn't currently on the short-term roadmap, that said, we will update here if anything changes. 

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Hi Guys i would like to put out a request to the developers of Wrike to seriously consider upgrading the time keeping side of the software, which in my view leaves the system wanting compared to its competitors and in particular a system called PAYMO which is a system i moved away from as the project manage element 12 months ago was poor. They have now rectified this and we are seriously considering migrating back to them as the time keeping, time reporting, invoicing capabilities are far better. Our small team has expanded very quickly recently and we have some projects worked on a budget basis and others on a hourly basis. At present there is no way to see burn rates against either budget costs or budgeted time. there is no way to see what time has been invoiced or not. with these functions added Wrike will become in my opinion the go to software as the complete package to monitor project progress, project costs and project billing which will help clients and businesses alike. Here is the link to my wish list which i think every user of Wrike will benefit from https://www.paymoapp.com/project-management/#web-timer. please consider these improvements so i don't have to move to another system. Thanks Alex

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Second what Alex mentioned about time tracking. 

The native time tracking app in wrike is really lackluster. It would be amazing to get a better version of this. A desktop client would be amazing but we would be quite happy with an improved web tracker and time log interface. Something that is quick and easy to start time tracking, switch between, make edits etc. Toggl is a great example. 

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Hi Wrike,

Do you have progress update on original request for Custom Fields - Add more calculation methods?



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Hi Paul, we've no specific dates at the moment. As with the nature of all software releases, things can become delayed from time to time and we want to ensure we give you accurate time frames when we have them. Once I know more, I'll be sure to update you all here. Thanks!

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Hi, Wrike,  

I'm struggling to get on team onboard with Wrike mainly due to the limitations of the Time Tracking feature.  We are a very small company and we all wear many hats and unfortunately heavy multitaskers.   When constantly having to jump form desktop to iPhone we forget to clock the time or stop the timer.  It's just a nightmare to manage. And unlike Harvest and others, Wrike's time tracking isn't seamless going from one device to another and it certainly doesn't alert you if you forget and leave the timer running.  Please tell me Wrike is working on either improving its time tracking feature (especially for iOS) or working on a way for us to easily integrate Harvest or Toggl?

Thank you,


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Hi Deanna, thanks for your post. Our developers are constantly working to improve all features and feedback like this really helps. I've got back to your other post on this here and can help you with an integration with Harvest if this meets your needs. If you can post back over there I'm more than happy to help!

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Another vote here for calculated fields. Need to subtract hours from a custom field. For example: Budget field of 1,000 hours. Team subtracts 80 hours a week, what's the balance with each report pull? 

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We would love the ability to use simple formulas (as in Excel or Google Sheets) to combine the values of two other fields.

For example, let's say we have the following fields:

  1. Time Spent (built-in to Wrike)
  2. Hourly Rate (custom field, ex. $100 per hour)
  3. Billable Amount (custom field)

It would be great if we could enter a formula into the Billable Amount custom field:

[Billable Amount] = [Time Spent] x [Hourly Rate]

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Are there any updates on this?

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Stephanie Westbrook

@David This is something the team wants to do (speaking about calculations in general), but at the moment no specific functionality details or roadmap information to share. 

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We would like to have one custom column (time-values, numbers), that summarizes the values of two other custom columns (time-values, numbers). So that the sum of the working-time of two business-areas can be calculated automatically, and be shown to clients. By now we can only show the values of each column extra, which is not what we need. This would help a lot. Please keep me updated, if there will be made a change. 

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We added a custom field with Percentage type. 
We want system to behave the following: if a mother task has 2 sub-tasks, 1 of the tasks percentage is 100%, the mother task status can show 50% completion.

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I had wanted to use a custom field to calculate a "must start by" date.  I thought it would be rather simple to subtract a backlogged task's deadline date by it's duration to give you a date that you must start no later than in order to remain on schedule.  I was disappointed to discover that this ability was missing in Wrike.

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I agree that both Junpei and Scott's ideas would be extremely beneficial ideas to implement.  Bump for both of them!

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We also support the idea of some basic math calculations in custom fields directly. This would already avoid the need to go through Excel and having to export tasks every time in order to do some additions and subtractions!

Nicolas Villarreal Art Outsourcing Producer

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Would really just like a way to use % complete as a custom field, multiply that by allocated hours to calculate the hours spent, then subtract that from the allocated hours to calculate work remaining on a task.  It should probably just be a part of the effort allocation beta feature in the first place.

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Adding my +1 

More functionality here would be great! 

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Hi any news on this topic, it would be great to have more options

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Hi,  +1  for calculated fields!!

This could bring a huge enhancement to Wrike and enable us to expand usage.

I'm sure a lot of ppl using Wrike for project management is suffering this lack of functionality and is expending time exporting/importing data to/from spreadsheets just to calc project metrics. At least basic arithmetic functionality could give us a big help.   

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I strongly support this idea!

It help us summarize our achievement, more concrete and objective progress result.

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