Inbox filter


Pleeeease can you make this option sticky? I get hundreds of messages and most are dealt with by just 'doing my job', so are automatically marked as 'read' in my inbox, so every ... EVERY time I look at my inbox I need to flick this on to see what I've missed. Please... make it a sticky option. Please. :)

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Thank you for sharing this idea here, Richard McIlrath!

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There needs to be a way to separate the inbox messages (perhaps tabs like gmail?) where @mentions are separated from shares, assignments, and follows.  Please help.  Our users are drowning in the notifications.  They can't keep up with that and normal email communication.

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Thank you for supporting here Richard Herzog, and I'm sorry to hear this is inconvenient for your team members. This feedback is passed on to the Product team.

Have you thought of establishing some house rules for mentions? 

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Yes, like email, if it takes more than two back and forth, it's time to pick up the phone or have a meeting and then follow-up with a summary @mention. 

Drawing a line between follows and mentions helps some.  Although follows don't get followed and the volume of legitimate mentions is still high.

Also management is included in a lot of unique situations that can't be grouped in reporting effectively.   It has highlighted process needs that can be handled by forms, but again, that also carries assignments, mentions, follows, updates on those tasks.

There are just a lot of different directions come from on a lot of different tasks.  Each of our PM's have over 50 projects that deal with different artists, engineers and staff.  It's not sufficient to only minimize QTY and situations of the mentions, we need another level of organization and controls on the inbox.


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Thanks a lot for sharing this detail Richard Herzog! I'll be passing it along with the feedback here 👍

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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I would love to have similar options to customize the preferences as I do for email notifications. I want to actually see fewer notifications on a task instead of more, or focus on what actually pertains to me rather than every action taken on a task.

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Hi Laura Smetak, thank you for adding your support here as well, much appreciated 🙌🏼

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Our team would like to be able to select the type of notifications they receive in Inbox (for instance, most of us do not need to be notified when a new report is shared with us, and some prefer to ONLY see @mentions, while others like to see updates on tasks they follow).  Maybe a filtering mechanism for inbox to be able to see the types of notifications in categories (and not see those categories that aren't important to you)?

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Hi Whitney Harper, thank you for sharing your feedback, I've passed it on to the team👍🏼

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I am a vote for an ability to filter the Inbox. We have people who recieve several messages a day as they are assigned to projects with multiple task.

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I want to echo Richard Herzog and say that "There needs to be a way to separate the inbox messages (perhaps tabs like gmail?) where @mentions are separated from shares, assignments, and follows.  Please help.  Our users are drowning in the notifications.  They can't keep up with that and normal email communication."

And yes, we have "establishing some house rules for mentions"... and thus, "Drawing a line between follows and mentions helps some. Although follows don't get followed and the volume of legitimate mentions is still high."

And echoing again... "Also management is included in a lot of unique situations that can't be grouped in reporting effectively."

I won't keep quoting; here's my bottom line... there doesn't seem to me, to be any programming reason why you can't *add* to the *already existing* filter in the inbox – which currently only distinguishes "all" from "read/unread"... 

... just add a filter for inbox notification from a user

... add a inbox filter option for @assignee vs. @follower vs. @myname specifically 

This seems like it would simply utilize already existing Wrike conventions... just an ability to filter. 

I know that the programmers seem to want us to use dashboards... and we all do... 

... but it doesn't take away from the fact that the Inbox is there... and if you are a manager of any sort, the inbox is nearly as unmanageable as an email inbox, without better filtering tools!

Please help us with this idea. Thank you for your consideration 

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John B. Waits Has a good idea on the filter one would "Assume" is a minimal way to split the content.  We just added an automation to self-assign a project using a request form.  GREAT IDEA!!  Until... wait for it, oh the blueprint has 20 tasks, so now the author (and now assignee) gets 20 more notifications from automation PER project.  This needed to be addressed before, now it's exponential.

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 A filter is absolutely needed. I was shocked when I realized it was not an option.

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This is a much-needed feature that would improve workflows and increase efficiency tremendously. 

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Yes, please this feature would be great!

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A filter will certainly streamline my workload.

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John B. Waits summed it up perfectly; this "inbox filter feature" (or something of the sort) would greatly enhance use of your product. Thanks so much!

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Yes this filter would be great!!

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This filter would be great.  

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Hi folks! I can see the increased activity in this thread, please be sure to upvote the main post at the top of the page. I'll share your feedback with the responsible team now 👍

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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I totally agree with John B. Waits and Richard Herzog. Thank you for passing it along Lisa

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Yes! these features are great for our work! On a daily basis, we manage over 99++ messages, and having an inbox folder system similar to Gmail or Outlook would greatly enhance our efficiency. It would allow us to filter messages effectively and focus on the most important ones.

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Hi Zach ZK 👋  thank you for taking the time to mention your use case here and for supporting this feedback suggestion! Please don't forget to upvote the original post above if you haven't already. Also, if there's any development regarding this feedback in the coming months, I'll keep you updated 👍

Rohan V Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Aprenda sobre as funcionalidades e melhores práticas em Wrike com o nosso Treinamento Webinar Online

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