Automation of the Task Status

During different task related processes within Wrike there are triggers that would mean an update to a status. It would be useful to have a configuration option to update the status based upon these triggers or workflows. For example:

If the initial task status is set as "Active" prior to a resource allocation. Following the resource assignment to the task why doesn't the status automatically update and set to "Assigned". And maybe set this one step further to "Scheduled" when a date has been allocated?

Any thoughts on how this might be integrated into the Wrike product set in the future?  


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That will be very useful! in my case for example, the possibility of automate status changes during the reviewing process of a File. If i check as "Changes required" change automatically to status "In Progress" or if i Approve the file change the status to "Send to Client".

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I'd like to see the task update aligned to a custom field. Where the overall status of the proejct sits, so easier to see first thing in the morning/last thing at night, so you don't have to click on individual tasks. It is also useful for general reports at top level, where you don't need to see all the tasks statuses, just the overall state of the project. At the moment i'm told these can't be automated.

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Hi guys, great idea, and insights here.

Our Product Team is always interested in automation ideas, especially around workflow. The release of auto-assigning based on Status was a step in that direction.

I really like the idea of having logically links between actions in Wrike setting the Status, like when setting resources and during the proofing and approvals process. Our team spends a lot of time thinking of how best to apply these type of enhancements and these threads really add value to these conversations so thanks for posting.

If there are any updates specific to this request I'll be sure to drop back here to let you know 👍


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With the integration of Calendars recently, I think this would be especially helpful. There are things I put into Wrike as "Tasks" to get them into a Calendar (an example would be PTO), but as the Studio Manager I don't want to have to change everyone's PTO status to "complete" once they are back. It would be awesome to decide if a task was able to automatically change status or not.


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Agreed - this would be an awesome feature!

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It would also be useful for certain subtask stati to bubble up through its parents, e.g. On Hold, etc, as logically the whole parent is on hold if one of its children is, despite other subtasks still being in progress.

If two subtasks had different bubbling stati then the highest priority status would be the one to bubble up as it would presumably be more urgent or needing of attention

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Hey @everyone, thanks for your continued input here 🙂 For now I don't have any updates. It will help a lot if this suggestion got more votes and discussions - this is how our Product team estimates popularity of the suggestion. 

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Hi Lisa, is there a way that we can consolidate suggestions? I see lots of people asking for various forms of automation and there are so many posts to keep track of. 

There is automation needed in tasks statuses such as "if a task has been in "XYZ" status for a certain time perameter then admins should be able to designate a automatic Wrike bot to remind the assignee that the task is still in "XYZ" status for "123" time period and to follow-up with the task.

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@Tattiana Hi, thanks for bringing that up 🙂 We mark very similar posts as Duplicates and close them for comments as much as we can. Sometimes posts look similar, for example, the suggested features are all about the Gantt Chart functionality or automation, but members ask for different kinds of enhancements that they'd like to see. When each suggestion is a separate Product Feedback post, it is more effective for our Product team to track and prioritize suggestions. 

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Thanks @Lisa. 

I meant from a user standpoint is there a way we could have a different consolidated view like new table view or something rather than clicking through 10 pages of comments that are not organized in a particular manner.

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Hi, not sure this is the right place for this, but big +1 for a range of automations around task statuses:

- Relate parent to subtask status:  Give an alert when the subtasks are all closed to "close parent;" if a parent is trying to be closed and the subtask isn't, also provide an alert; provide the option via settings to close parents if subtasks are all completed

- As mentioned in another post, move Projects to "in progress" when the first task moves to "in progress"

- close projects when last task is completed

Really hope you guys will include this type of stuff in your next round of automations!

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This feature would be really important 

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Is this already a feature in Wrike? Would be really helpful :) 

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Hi Berk Aarts, thanks for posting! Since there are multiple automation requests under this post could you please clarify what is your use case? 

I'm adding an example of an automation rule below for a demonstration, you can find more information in this document

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Hi Mark Osborne and everyone who’s been participating in this thread 😃 I’d like to mention that this week new triggers have been announced, such as changes in the assignee field, you can find more information here

May I kindly ask you to check if these enhancements are what you were needing?

Thank you!

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