Where's the "what-if planning calendar" feature?
"Evaluate scheduling scenarios with a what-if planning calendar" is referenced here https://www.wrike.com/templates/pmo/#:~:text=Evaluate%20scheduling%20scenarios%20with%20a%20what%2Dif%20planning%20calendar but I can't find any instructions in the Help Center. Is more info available?
If you go to create a new Space, you can search for PMO and launch the PMO template there:
This will create a new private space in your instance of Wrike that includes all of the features they outline in the link you shared.
Hi Laura Lysaght,
Herine from Wrike Team is here!
You can find this and other templates when creating a new space in Wrike:

The "Preview" includes a video as well. I hope this helps!
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Herine Wrike Team member Aprenda sobre as funcionalidades e melhores práticas em Wrike com o nosso Treinamento Webinar Online