How to begin planning a Top-Down Wrike Reorganization

A big topic, but we are planning on streamlining our Wrike setup. Our current setup has some bloat, and condensing and refining our tools in Wrike is a top priority for this quarter. My first task? Define the the order of importance when rebuilding our setups. How can I create a better Wrike that accurately reflects our teams works style and more importantly, addresses our teams current needs/pain points. 

Here is my list of things I will target, in descending order:

Folder Structure

  • Example Goal: One folder for all new tasks, used by 100% of the team. Everyone knows the flow

Custom Fields

  • Example Goal: No unused custom fields. air tight permissions on more nuanced fields

Request Forms

  • Example Goal: Dynamic forms and pain less task creation


  • Example Goal: Airtight permissions, and fleshed out tasks stems that are reviewed quarterly

Tool Integrations


  • Better way to create tasks through Slack

Google Drive

  • One home for all assets


  • Better adoption of Outlook to Wrike Task Creation


  • Using this the power of automations with a solid folder structure is key


  • Dashboards that are simple and rely on the organization of the folders, not the other way around

A huge undertaking, but a fun one.

If you had to redesign your Wrike this month, in what order would you target your efforts?

Thanks all!

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I'd put a focus on custom workflows (including approvals), too!

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Hey Lennyroy Robles, thank you for posting, this is a very interesting topic! Let's see if we can get more advice from the Community. I'll also pass this info to your account's Customer Success Manager 👍

Thanks for your tip Florian Kislich 🤗

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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