Templates for standardized processes ?

Hello Wrikers,

I am a consultant working in a consulting firm, and I regularly use the Wrike platform to manage our clients' projects. I was recently faced with the need to implement standardized processes in areas such as human resources, purchasing ...

I was wondering if there were any blueprints or pre-built templates in Wrike that could save me time in creating these processes. In particular, I am looking for templates for HR processes such as recruitment, performance appraisal and leave management. For purchasing, I would like to find templates for purchase requisitions, approvals and delivery tracking.

If you have any blueprints or templates for these areas or know of any resources that could help me, I would be extremely grateful if you could share them with me. I am sure that it would not only speed up my work, but also benefit many other Wrike users who are in the same situation.

Thank you in advance for your valuable input and help. I look forward to reading your suggestions and sharing our experiences to optimize our processes.

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I'd suggest starting with our use case templates 👍 I'd be happy to discuss them! 

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