[Productivity Tips] Are You a Morning Person or a Night Owl? โ˜€๏ธ๐Ÿฆ‰

Hi everyone! ๐Ÿค—

We all have our unique work preferences and habits when it comes to our most productive time of day. Some of us thrive in the early morning hours, while others hit their stride later in the day. In this thread, we want to hear from you and spark a discussion about your productivity preferences.

Are you an early bird who rises with the sun โ˜€๏ธ, ready to tackle the day's tasks with a fresh mind and renewed energy? Do you find that your productivity peaks in the early morning, allowing you to make significant progress on your projects? Share your tips, tricks, and morning routines that help you jumpstart your day and maximise your productivity.

Perhaps you're a night owl ๐Ÿฆ‰who comes alive when the sun sets, finding your creative juices flowing and your focus sharpening as the day winds down. Do you thrive in the quiet hours of the night when distractions are minimal? Tell us how you make the most of your productivity and what strategies you use to stay energised and motivated during late hours.

Or maybe youโ€™re somewhere in between?

Please share your insights, challenges, and success stories related to your preferred time of day for productivity ๐Ÿ‘‡

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I am definitely a morning person - not by choice, but rather because all the furbabies have their routine for waking us up at the crack of dawn!ย  But generally, after feeding the cats first - of course - THEN I typically make coffee, take vitamins, and get the day moving!!

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I am a morning person and have been my entire life. I enjoy the quiet of being the first one up in the house and watching the world wake up. I find that routine is especially valuable in the morning, and helps the day start well with water, coffee, some food, and intentional reading.

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I am a morning person. I get going by drinking a glass of water before the many cups of coffee. Take the dog outside before I sit down at my computer each day to work with others in Asia and Europe (I am located in US Midwest).

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I'm more of a morning person. I prefer to get work tasks done and out of the way to enjoy the rest of my day. This is mostly because socially, I'm a night owl!ย 

But for work, I find that setting up that routine and following through with it can help me be successful no matter what. My brain and body learn to be that way. When I was a student (like many I'm sure), I did my best work late at night. But I had to make a shift when I moved into the job field and had to create new habits for myself.

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Morning person. Stay up before the family, prepare breakfast and start in the homeoffice. A good bulletproof coffee in the morning lasts till lunch time.

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I'm more of a morning person. Most meetings I facilitate are set in the morning so it's nice to get them done early. Then I can send notes, make plan updates, and complete additional action items in the afternoon. I will mark time on my calendar for follow up reminders or tasks so I can stay focused and on track for my projects. It makes sure I get what I need to get done before pop-up meetings set in.

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I have been getting up early with our new-ish puppy and am learning to love it. Starting the morning quietly with a cup of tea and a 50-pound dog in my lap really kicks the day off right. Having said that, I am most productive with my second wind around 3 PM. That is usually when there are fewer demands on my attention and I can really dig into Wrike and other big brain work.ย 

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Thanks for sharing, everyone! Looks like we have a morning people club here โ˜€๏ธ
I think I'm somewhere in between, feeling a lot more fuelled in the second half of the day. What helps me in the morning is turning on some music after I wake up, it makes me more energised ๐ŸŽธ

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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I am a morning person, but get me that first sip of coffee before any work gets done. I feel refreshed in the morning and ready to take on any task.ย 

I also enjoy the natural sunlight that my home gets in the morning. This natural light helps my body wake up. The combination of all of these things helps my body and mind stay on a natural cycle, which I believe is key to being productive at all times of the day.

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I'm a morning person too! I start my day early at 4 am and am most productive in the morning.

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I used to be a morning person, but over the years, I have become a night owl ๐Ÿฆ‰. As long as I sleep well and am not hungry, I can function very well at any time, actually. When I was younger, I used to wake up very early to study.

As a young adult, I worked as a professional DJ for almost 10 years, so you can imagine the routine change I went through. Perhaps that's why I can adapt to different routines more easily now.

But these have never changed: be well-rested, well-fed, and drink plenty of water or other liquids.

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I am a morning person.
Every morning I check the activities that I will have to carry out and the workload of all the collaborators.
Every morning, the whole office stops for 30 minutes to do the standup, where each person declares:
- activity you did the previous day
- difficulties encountered
- new things learned
- activity that he will have to do today

in this way, we manage to help each other and each person knows what the colleague will do.

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I have oscillated between the two, but not at the same time. Currently I am a morning person when it comes to coding, but would rather have my meetings late morning or early afternoon for max productivity.ย 

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Love your productivity tips, simple, but effective โœ…

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Morning person by nature. I love the morning hours between 7-9am before email and Teams chats get going. This is my time to really sink in on the underlying work that powers everything else while I have some coffee and enjoy the quiet.

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I'm a morning person, but I also get a second wind in the evening - my AM routine is basically the same as Sven Passinger , with music on while I'm working; then later, I often end up physically moving from my home office to a different spot (kitchen, coffeeshop, etc.), which helps keep up my motivation.

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Morning'ish I should say? I don't want to get up early in the morning that is for sure and can stay upย  as late as i can be.

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Thanks, folks! ๐Ÿ™Œ

I'm with you, Aloi Calvert ๐Ÿ™‚

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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I am morning person, but not specifically by choice. I would prefer to sleep in, but getting kids up and off to school does not work on "my time". Then when I sit down to get work done, I find that the first few hours I am more productive than late afternoon.ย 

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Oh yes, it's often not only about our personal preference Adam Brigham ๐Ÿ˜…

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Chronic night owl here, seems I am in the minority! But until recently I worked on a timezone other than my own so my body's preference suited my work schedule well... :)

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Looks like there are indeed not many night owls among us, but I'm with you Angela Kennewell ๐Ÿ™‚

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Night Owl / Insomniac -- often find myself up and productive "early morning hours" but only because i may not have gone to sleep yet..ย 

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I understand you so very well Yvette Kama ๐Ÿ˜…

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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