[Status: Not planned] Add Conditional Logic to Checkboxes
I recently learned of the new Conditional Logic for request forms and was very excited to use it. However, I see that it's not applicable to all question types - notably Checkboxes. My team serves as the Digital Marketing agency for many clients. We currently have multiple request forms for clients to complete (i.e. email request, marketing banner request, landing page request, etc). I'd like to consolidate these forms into one. I envision using conditional logic in the Checkbox to ask "What type of project are you requesting? (select all that apply)". So a client can say they would like an email and a banner, and be directed to fill out just the fields for an email and banner. Or they can select a landing page, and be directed to fill out just the fields for a landing page.
Can you add this logic to the Checkboxes question? It's available on Dropdown, but that doesn't help my issue as you can only select one option. Most Digital Marketing campaigns consist of multiple components (email, banner, landing page, social media post, print flyer, etc)
Hi Bill, thank you for posting this request on the Community! While this logic isn't on our current roadmap, I think it's an interesting idea for our Product Team. Happy to hear what other users think about this too!
I second Bill's post/need.
It's nice the forms are dynamic but it's only for drop downs. I need it to be in checkboxes that it can map to another page/options. There are MULTIPLE options in the forms I use and each one merits it's own new page of options to walk through.
For instance, a user can check each of these:
( ) Photography
( ) Web Updates
( ) Print Piece
Each page checked (they can check multiple options) means a new subset of questions they need to walk through so we have what we need. Without that built in I cannot use the forms because I do not want to make them do a dropdown for each because I'd have to list all of them in each dropdown to choose from and it creates confusion and errors. We have more than three to choose from obviously.
Hi Sara, thanks for adding this here! Your use cases and examples really add value to the conversation here internally when discussing this feature. Our team has been working on different aspects of Dynamic Request forms and it's logic, so I have made them aware of this post. If I have any new information on this I'll be sure to post it here. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you Stephen!
This is also a super important feature for us. We want to ask a similar question "what assets do you need" and allow the people filling out our request form to select 1 or many of the assets they need.
We not only need to be able to do the advanced logic for those checkboxes but also write that data to a custom field. I think it would work to write to a text field similar to how you can do it now for the Project title. So the custom field would be called "Assets requested" and the text would be all the values they selected separated by commas.
Came here to request this. I have a similar need, I want to conditionally load pages based on what checkboxes have been selected. We have different assets that have different project leads and form fields for each one.
[ ] Creative project
[ ] Social asset
[ ] Website change
If they choose the first 2 then the questions for just those 2 pages should load. And it is assigned to the people who handle those first 2 items.
Currently we have to just show the whole form and the user skips the sections that don't apply to them, but it would be much cleaner and user friendly if fields for "website change" were hidden if the checkbox wasn't selected.
Some great ideas shared here guys 👌
I've no new information from the Product Team, and it is something that continues to be discussed and reviewed. I'll be sure to raise this post with the team again and if and when I'm provided with any new information I'll share it with you here 👍
This would also be very beneficial for our team, as currently our form is 20 pages long(!) due to conditional requirement limitations defined by dropdown questions. It's a very long-winded process for whoever fills out the form, and also requires a lot of effort to create the form itself. We would like to have page 1 with a checkbox question for different areas required, and page 2 would be constructed of relevant components relating to the topics checked on page 1.
Our current design form has 7 categories of digital assets and multiple checkbox options under each so this conditional logic for checkboxes would be beneficial to us as well.
However, I would also suggest that perhaps a simpler solution is to create drop down menu's that allow you to check off certain boxes. If the category titles could be expanded to all the options, we would only see the ones relevant to our request.
> Social Media Digital Assets
v Social Media Digital Assets
[ ] Facebook Cover Image - 851px X 315px
[ ] Instagram - 1080px X 1080px
This would be an immensely helpful feature. We are planning events with Wrike, and it would be great for people to start with "What kind of support do you need?" And then it directs to different pages/a different set of questions depending on what they click.
In addition, it would be great if different checkboxes could create a new task in the project. For example, one of our checkboxes would be "Live Streaming." If they click on "Live Streaming" I'd want it to create a tasks such as "Send link for page this event will be streamed to."
Thank you
Wrike Support: Is there any plans to add this to the roadmap? It's much needed as you can see from the comments above. I'm unclear why this functionality is available for dropdown questions but not checkboxes. It seems like this would be an easy change to make?
Hi Bill, it's something our Product Team are looking to do but it's not on any short-term roadmaps right now. As soon as I have more specific dates and information I'll be sure to share here.
Thanks for bumping the thread! 🙌
Have there been any developments on this feature?
Like many others, the people filling out our request forms need to be able to select multiple checkboxes, and when they do, are prompted for quantities.
@Susan Hi, thanks for bumping this thread. For now, there's no new information from the Product team. Please upvote the suggestion if you haven't already; once it hits 60 votes, we'll add a Product status to it 👍
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Adding a vote to this suggestion.
We also have a long list of check boxes for our events team to request creative assets. It would be great if we can add conditional logic to add dates for each asset.
[ ] Save the Date
[ ] Agenda
[ ] Digital Banner
Currently, I reach out to the requester after the Request Form is submitted to ask when each asset is needed by. It would be even better if checking off "Save the Date" would prompt "Requested date by MM/DD/YY" and then if that date can pre-populate the task due date that is pulled from the blueprint task.
Hey Jo Tanikawa, thank you for this use case! It's been passed on to the Product team.
Please please please get this happening! I'm stuck without it. We're setting up stacks of request forms and not having this functionality is the equivalent of asking my clients to fill out separate forms for each item they are ordering from us
Melissa, I agree that would be so helpful for us too. I do a workaround logic right now where we have a dropdown and for each item the person selects from a dropdown list it brings them to a new page to fill out information we need. Once they're done I have to have them select, "I have no more deliverables" then it takes them to the submission part of the form. Clunky, yes, but they do not have to fill out multiple forms this way.
I wish it was like Wufoo where they have checkboxes then serves up the next page based on the checkbox selection, then on the last one it takes them to the final pages where they can upload attachments and submit.
Hey Melissa McGroder and Sara Hoffman, thank you for sharing this feedback! It's been passed on to the team.
Also, thank you for the workaround! I don't have any updates at the moment, but as soon as I do, I'll keep you posted 😊
Conditional Logic requests are also voted for here:
Hi Lisa, I hope you are doing well!
Any chance you have a status update on this?
I'm working on encouraging deeper Wrike use among our marketing team and the clumsiness of forms as well as project setup without forms has been a challenge for our group.
I'm really hoping this feature will make it onto the roadmap soon! 🙏🤞
Hi everyone! As this suggestion reached 60 upvotes here, I've asked our Product team to provide a Product status here. For now, this is a "Not planned" status as the team doesn't currently have plans to work on adding conditions to checkboxes. At the same time, we will continue to pass on your feedback along with the vote count to them and provide updates if/when we have them.
Thank you for sharing your feedback here, and please continue to comment and vote.
Eden Gerson Apologies for the late reply here!
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Hi All,
Adding my use case and support to make this 69 upvotes! We would benefit from having conditional logic for checkboxes and checkboxes that map to custom fields as Kristen Walker suggests above. Like many people who have posted here, we have clunky forms with multiple pages that could be streamlined with the use of some conditional logic -- for example, when a person requests the type(s) of art asset they need, they could be redirected to (many fewer) other pages defining what we need from them to make the request happen. In addition, if those choices could map to custom fields, then I could use reports and Wrike Analyze to understand where we are/n't making efficient choices. Thank you for considering this functionality!
Thank you for detailed feedback here Michelle!
I don't have an update at the moment, but I'll let you know if we get one in the future.
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Any progress on this request???
Being able to redirect to another page from the check boxes option would be most helpful vs. having to either provide additional pages for each of our brands or using other for multiple brands
Are there any new options or recomendations to work around thtis situatuation ?
Sandra M.
Hi Sandra Munoz-Moreno, welcome to the Community, and thank you for posting. This suggestion remains not planned for now and please rest assured we'll let you know if there are any updates👍🏼
I'm also interested in this feature
Welcome to the Community and thank you for adding your support here Janet Justice
Very interested in this
Thanks Toni Redmiles Bryant! This feature isn't planned at the moment, but I'll share your interest with our team 👍
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover