Ability to view all PTO of team on one Calendar

Currently need to view each team member individually to see their PTO, would be nice to have a calendar view for the whole team to see PTO.

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Hello Kirsten Ruf, thanks for posting! I can suggest creating a folder such as "Marketing Team Holidays" and adding holding tasks for PTO's into the folder with reflective titles i.e. Cansu PTO, and schedule for the vacation dates. You can then use this folder as the "task source" when creating a calendar and have an overview of the team holidays. 

Please let me know if you have any questions 🙋🏻‍♀️

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We handle PTO as tasks, created by request forms. They go into an Admin space and there is a PTO calendar which will display the "tasks".

My biggest issue with Wrike is that there is no correlation between the system work schedules and the rest of the Wrike workspace. So there is no intrinsic PTO features and you can't link the system settings work schedules to the PTO tasks created in the space. 

When someone requests PTO through a form, we approve it and set the status to reflect on the calendar. Then we have to manually to to System Settings and update the individual Work Schedule. There is no way to link these processes. 

Other PM platforms I have looked at in the past had a native PTO handling feature that did not require this clunky approach of using standard tasks and folders to fake the PTO tracking, while also manually entering it into the system settings. 

I wish this worked differently in Wrike and could be managed more efficiently.


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Hi Jason Pontius, thanks for sharing your thoughts. We appreciate your detailed feedback on PTO tracking across Wrike and it's been shared with our Product team.

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It looks like it's been a while since the last conversation here, but just bumping it up in case anyone else has found another workaround for this - would love to be able to use this native PTO feature and just see everyone's OOO together in one calendar (+ holidays, etc)... feels like it would be a simple addition. 

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Andrea Fazio Yes, it would be great if Wrike had native PTO features. But they don't. We use request forms, resulting in tasks that show up on a calendar to track PTO. I also add holidays and related days as well so it all shows up on the calendar using different layers. But I still have to go into the Settings and assign work schedule PTOs so the system knows about the PTO. I can show you how we do it sometime if you are interested.


I wish it could be handled natively and not be completely disconnected. 


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Jason Pontius thank you, I like this idea... only hiccup I'm seeing with this is then the task is assigned to... a PM? Or just unassigned? If I put in the PTO through Wrike's system it would move the task assigned to that person. Let me know if that makes sense :) 

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Andrea Fazio  In our case, it gets assigned to the person taking the PTO, but in theory it doesn't have to be. The request form determines an Approver for the PTO request before it is finalized.

The PTO task has the checkbox for Working Days Only unchecked so that it doesn't bounce around when you set the person's working schedule. This is an important note as you raised.

Let me know if you want to schedule a time for me to walk you through how I do it, even if it's not a perfect solution for your team.


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