Make objects smaller so I can fit more on the screen esp. Kanban

Please have the option to make things smaller.

So often, fonts are too large, object too big, taking up too much real estate on the screen.  For the Board/Kanban board I can only see 4 columns, keep having to scroll left, right, left, right.    

I like to fit a lot of information (color coded as well with more detailed info displayed) on the screen.    Current size of buttons look like clown shoes.

For a good example of what I'm talking about see Trello's KanBan board.  Lots of color, data, info, and much seems to fit on the screen.



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Hey Mike Meyer, thanks for reaching out and sharing your feedback, I'm passing it on to the team now! 

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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