Recurring Folders

We have monthly projects that typically contain identical tasks month-on-month. 

While we can set up each task individually to recur, it would be great to have the whole project or folder of tasks recur so that they are included in a new month's folder, not lumped in with other tasks.

Just easier to organise things.

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Hi Zach Jacobsen! Have you tried out Blueprints from Wrike Labs? With this, you can recreate folders and projects without having to input all of the tasks again.

Let me know if this helps!

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@... Yup! We use them pretty regularly. The challenge is that it's not super effective when you have monthly cycles for 30+ projects as you'd have to create the folder for each one every month.


At the moment, we're duplicating template folders each month. which kind of works, but is a bit of a time sink.

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Zach Jacobsen Thank you for this use case! I can see how this could be a lot of work. Your feedback has been passed on to the Product team 🙂

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I'm also looking for a way to may project recur on a regular basis. We have many projects that recur monthly, quarterly, or annually. They all have many tasks that need to be completed before the project due date, sometimes weeks or months before the due date. Right now we have to remember when to activate a blueprint, and do it soon enough that the first tasks aren't already overdue by the time we make the project live. 

I'm seeing threads about this exact topic dating back as far as 2017...hoping we can get this soon! 

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Thanks for your feedback here, Emily Taylor

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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I'm new to Wrike. I also have recurring projects with exactly the same tasks every month. (What business doesn't?) I clicked your link to Labs but Blueprint wasn't listed.

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Hey Anne Asher, thank you for your use case. Blueprints is available for accounts with Business subscription and higher. 

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We have monthly services, so we have hundreds of "projects" that need to reoccur on a monthly basis. Yes we can launch a new "project" from a "blueprint" each month but that doesn't allow us to be able to forecast/predict future workloads. We need the ability to create recurring projects and/or folders.

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Hello Lauren Todd, welcome to the Community 👋🏻

Thank you for sharing your use case and feedback here, it's been passed on to the Product team. Please be sure to upvote the original post if you haven't yet.

Here is a useful article explaining what happens after we receive Product feedback 🖊

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I would GREATLY appreciate reoccurring folders as well, so I don't have to remember to create a new project from a blueprint every first of the month. Sounds like we've all been asking for this feature since 2017 and nothing has happened yet. It would be amazing if this can be put on the roadmap for this year Wrike Product team <3

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Hey Lisa van Ekeren, thanks for adding your feedback here. 

The votes for this request are on the lower side, which means there's less of a priority attached to this request, hence why it has not been taken into work so far. You can read more about how we work with Product feedback in this Community post. If you do need further assistance, or if there's anything else we can help with, please don't hesitate to ask. Rest assured we'll be sure to pass on your thoughts and we'll let you know if there are any changes here 👍

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