Importing MS Project

A much needed feature is not to disregard the WBS in the import. Adding this field to sort in a "logical" plan structure is a great option to control team members view who aren't super familiar with Wrike. I need team member to see things in a talking order and after import windup have to rename task with a 1.0 or 2.0 to see the major phases of a project.

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Hey wrike forum post followers, there is a bit of WBS related momentum in a different post (which you might already be following).  If we can get a few more votes there, it might encourage wrike to consider some development.

I assume (hope) that there will be an opportunity to help wrike product developers figure out the scope to best deliver the specific feature you are interested in.

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Please we need URGENTLY the possibility of importing WBS from MS Project and automatic grouping of tasks into GROUPS depending on WBS ID.


This is a MUST for any project management software.



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