Please add Paste as Plain Text in the desktop "app"
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Hi Nat, thanks for posting. I've moved this idea to the Product feedback section so other members can Vote for it 👍
Thanks, @StephenOrowe for moving it over to the Product Feedback section. I would hope that the application team does not rely on votes to determine whether to implement a feature that is standard in nearly any other serious interface that uses text. I should think the response from the development team would be something like: "Oh yeah. Ooops. Working on it."
Hi Nat, sorry for the delay getting back here. Maybe I'm misunderstanding your experience here, I was under the impression you wanted an option to paste as plain text when you right-click.
In Wrike, as the default, the text should paste as plain text in the description. Is there specific types of text that are looking strange when you paste them into a task? I may need to raise a Support ticket to help if this is behaving oddly for you.
Thank you👍
Hi Stephen - I am having an issue with pasting text into the description field. I am using the Mac Desktop app and i've tried using the keyboard short cut, right clicking to paste, and going to the menu->edit-> paste but nothing seems to work. I am however able to paste the same text into a comment or the task title...Is this a new bug? Its a problem as I want to paste in a lot of info and not re-type.
S.O.> the text should paste as plain text in the description
It does not. CTRL+V in the description pastes with (most of) the rich text formatting as copied. As an example, I copied and pasted the text from the notification on this thread. Bold and URLs came across, and there is no option to paste without formatting. Screen cap attached.
[...] / File / Edit - has no option for paste plain text, and right-click has no option.
Has this been an issue since 2018? I still experience the same thing.
Hi Karen Reijneveld, thanks for checking in here.
There are currently no plans to add this at the moment. If you haven't already, please be sure to upvote the original post above - the number of votes helps us to understand how popular the suggestion is. Once this post gets 60 upvotes, we'll ask the Product Team to provide us with a status here 👍
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