Combine 2 projects custom field values

This is my scenario that I am looking to improve. 


Project gets created from Salesforce automatically when marked as won and brings in all the sales values into different custom fields at the project level. Total License $, Total Hardware $ ect. Later on a customer wants to add something, so we do a change order quote from salesforce, that will a create a new project. 

This new project values needs to be added to the current project. Right now we are just going through each value and adding them together then updating the value on the project. Once done we delete the change order. 

So really all I am looking to do is to take Project A and Project B and merge their custom values together into Project A. 

Any thoughts on how we could do this better? 

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Hi Charles Smith
I don't know how the Salesforce integration is developed but I imagine you can use an UPDATE of project A instead of creating a project B.
Is this something that could be viable in your opinion?
With Wrike Integrate I'm pretty sure I can do something similar

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We have some other contraints that I can not change to be able to do an update from salesforce. Right now the best option I have found is to create a reports that allows me to filter just the 2 projects and dispalys the sum so they can at least just copy and paste all the vaules into the project to update. 

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