Report on Time and Quantities
my Team creates Product Renders and I want to be able to generate a Report that gives me Weekly, Monthly, Yearly totals for the Number of Images the Team has produced and the Number of Hours spent.
Each of our Projects has a Custom Field for Number of Images and I want to use Effort to generate the Time Spent.
I don't see how to generate Totals for both of these or how to group by Week, Month, Year.
Hi Sean Sykes,
to break by date the numbers you need you've to use tasks.
Each task can be used for daily or weekly activities and you need to add to each task "Number of Images" and "Effort".
Number of images (custom field) need to have Sum as default aggregation.

So in project you can activate the sum for Nr of Images and Effort.
In this way you have all data you need to generate report.
In report you can report all task divided by date (dd/mm/yyyy) but not by week, month or year.
You need to create separate custom fields for each kind of split you want and fill it manually, otherwise you need something that can get data of task and automatically create values in these custom fields (like Zapier o Wrike Integrate) you get data and transform it in Week, Month or Year.
If you have Wrike Analyze you don't neet do add new custom fields, because Analyze allow you to show date as you want.
Maybe with dashboard you can do something similar, and split automatically by week, month or year. It depends on what you want to get as report.