Tagging Tasks Across Multiple Blueprints

Hi everyone,
Does anyone use a chronological numbering system and cross tag tasks across multiple blueprints? If so, how does this affect your numbering system? My use case is the following:
I have tasks 08A, 08B and 08C all for Marketo. I need to cross tag these to multiple webpage blueprints.
How do I cross tag these three tasks without having to renumber all of my tasks below


Is there any way around me needing to duplicate the task and renumber them for each blueprint? 
Looking forward to any feedback. Thank you.

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Our workaround for this was to group the tasks into Parent task and Subtasks. 

i.e. your Marketo Updates would be the parent task, and you could manually update the order number for that parent task. And all the individual Marketo tasks are subtasks attached to that parent task with their own order (Mkto-01, Mkto-02, Mkto-03, etc.). 

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Yes, that would work! Thank you Sarah Dungey! I thought if I was creating subtasks, I'd be hindered on the dependencies side and that's not true. Your suggestion would work. Thanks!

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Hi Jessica Kvanvig,

I'm Herine, a Technical Consultant from Wrike.

I love Sarah Dungey's suggestion! If it doesn't work for your use case, I believe you could also duplicate the blueprint tasks for each blueprint project where they should be used and rename each copy according to the system used in the given blueprint. However, in that case if the blueprint task needs to be modified, you'd need to update the copies as well.

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Hi Herine.

I think Sarah's suggestion is more in line with what I'm needing. I'm hoping to avoid duplicating the efforts within multiple blueprints. I appreciate your feedback!

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