Mute Notifications and View As mode to help project/system setup
Designated users (or at least admins and project managers) should be able to mute all notifications for everyone for a period of time to allow us to build and adjust without spamming everyone. I know blueprints don't notify people but they don't allow you to schedule as recurring. So, I have to create a task, set it as recurring, etc. but every time it creates a new task and my whole team gets notified. This is just one example of many but, yeah, generally it'd be great to mute notifications for everyone in increments of 15-30 minutes. Likewise, it'd be great if there was a way to "View As" to go in and setup individual views for each team member.
I have to have my team screen share right now and tediously guide them through what folders and projects to pin, following/unfollowing projects, etc. Right now, my UX as an admin/owner is different and I just hope for the best that I don't make any mistakes and assume my team can see everything I'm seeing. Salesforce had this feature where you can select to view as any given user to setup tables, confirm permissions, ensure the right files are shared, etc.
I would love a view as option. I have a dummy account that is set up as a regular user so I can see from that perspective. It works, but it takes up a license seat, so I am always switching it from user to contributor. It would be a lot easier to just change a view as option!
Thank you for creating this post Travis Balthes, I've shared your feedback with our Product Team 👍
Russell Sprague thank you for adding your support!