Keep key commands in line with OS standards

As shared in this post, it would be helpful to ensure that key commands adhere to Windows and MacOS conventions, so insert link should be cmd+k, paste should stay cmd+v, and perhaps you could do search with shift+cmd+f since cmd+f is already used by many browsers. The current plan seems to break standard conventions and will lead to confusion, instead of clarity.

Upvote 12
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Will Kerr Thanks for creating this on behalf of all of us who shared feedback about the hot key changes in the 10/16/23 release notes post!! 

👍 Spot On 💡 Innovative Approach 💪 Stellar Advice ✅ Solved 🪄 Remove Kudos

Thank you folks, I've shared this thread with our team as well 👍

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Yes please. +1 here.

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Richard Bitgood thank you for supporting this suggestion 👍

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I totally agree! I upvote it!

Recently, Wrike changed the functionality of the CMD+K keyboard shortcut (previously used for adding links to text) to serve a different purpose, which is opening the Wrike item search menu. A keyboard shortcut for inserting links still exists but has been changed to CMD+SHIFT+K.

Personally, I find this change to be less effective for a couple of reasons:

  1. The CMD+K combination for inserting links is a standard widely used by many other platforms (Google, Apple Mail, and numerous others), and now in Wrike, you always have to remember to add SHIFT, or else you'll be directed to the search menu.

  2. Wrike already had a shortcut for the search menu (CMD+SHIFT+S), so I don't understand the need for adding a new one.

I've found myself typing CMD+K to add a link (as I've always done in the past and still do on every other platform), only to remember that it doesn't work this way anymore in Wrike, and I need to use a different shortcut. Personally, I think this change has worsened the user experience.

I hope you can take this suggestion into consideration and restore the previously used key combinations.

Best regards,

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Thank you very much for your detailed feedback, Giovanni De Giovanni. Our Product Team is closely monitoring this thread, we will keep you updated if any changes are implemented 👍

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