Lightspeed: Add back the Permalink for email address

As much as I like the new Lightspeed UI, it's missing the Permalink for the email address. 

For us, many of the tasks in Wrike originate as email threads. At some point, is added to the email thread to create the task. However, individuals will continue to comment on the email thread AFTER it's been added to Wirke before the Wrike address was added. So we'll go into the task, copy the email permalink for the task, and then paste it back into the email thread so the thread continues to be added to the task.

Yes, I can create the email address manually "wrike+[task id]", but the permalink email address used to be there and simply want it back. 

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We spent some time training users to make use of this function and now it has been arbitrarily removed. Please put it back.

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We use this function all the time! Please put it back! 


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Ditto. The removal of this functionality has derailed numerous workflows for my teams and me.

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Hey folks, thank you for sharing this feedback! 

As we mentioned in this recent post, the email integration is back coming soon. We'll keep you posted!

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Yeah but why even take it away? This is feature that allowed us to not have to have useless meetings that 'could've been an email' or in the case of Wrike, literally reading a thread because we've trained our teams to forward emails so everyone stays on the same page. Pretty disappointed that you all didn't think of this prior to launching a UI. 

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Not having this feature throws a huge wrench in how we work. How are we supposed to keep track of the multiple emails, so everyone working on a project is up to speed?

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This was a fantastic feature, and to have that removed has really impacted my workflow, please bring it back asap.

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Egads. I beg you to restore this feature. Cannot even begin to estimate how many times I forward an email to a project or task to help me remember who said what when. Has saved me so many times.

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Please restore it; we need to preserve tasks received via email in Wrike.

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Jackie Thomas, Simona Combi, Anya Cooke, Donya Currie, Samta Vyas, noted! Thanks for sharing your feedback we appreciate it and we've passed it on. We'll keep you posted on this one 👍

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We use this function on a daily basis in our team to integrate tasks with Outlook. Please re-instate it! :)

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Please add the function back in, we were using this regularly too!

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This feature is used on a daily basis within my team! Need this back asap please.

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We use this feature daily and it's an integral part of our work so sadly, I need to revert back to the previous version until this is reinstated. Is there a timeframe for this?

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Hi folks! I'm happy to let you know that this feature is now available for the Item view under the three-dot menu:


Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Lisa, Thank you so much for updating us - glad to hear it's back! But one question about the re-implementation: Why so complicated?

In Legacy I had to click on the link icon and copy the email address. 2 clicks maximum.

Now I have to:

Open "..." menu...
Look for and scroll down to "Update by email"...
Copy and Paste...
Close Window, because now it covers all of the screen...

... Before I can move on with my work. It takes way more time. And the link button - which is still available - has lost 80% of its use case. Hiding such a vital and frequently used feature in the lower half of a context menu is, to be honest, a downgrade and will reduce workflowspeed with Lightspeed :(

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Totally agree with Ralph. It needs to be put back and is a bigger change in usability than I believe you expected. 

A little shorter workaround in the meantime if it helps anyone. I've been clicking to copy the link to the clipboard, then pasting in an email so i have the task number. Then changing to "wrike+[task number]". Still a pain and seems unnecessary, but simpler than searching.

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Thanks a lot for sharing your feedback on this addition, folks, I've already passed it on to our Product team 👍

And thank you for sharing your workaround Lisa Bage 🙌

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Lisa I agree with Ralph Hirle we use this feature so many times, each click more is one too much. Please bring it back t here also the permalink is. This feature clearly belongs on the highest top of the task. As less clicks as possible please (maximum is 2). Perhaps also think about making this item (permalink and mail) available in the new viws (table, ...)

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts here Sven Passinger, I've passed your feedback to the team 👍

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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I've noticed many of the changes cause me to click 3 times rather than just once, the email link being one of those places. I don't understand why it would be removed from the original location next to the task link. I agree with all the comments above, and it would be great to have it back next to the task link.

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I agree with Christi Adams - you have to dig to find this feature whereas it was more readily available. I actually feel this way about a TON of the features in the new UI - it's not user friendly. Clicking more is not a good experience when you think about how fast we need to work. I worry actually that this may make adoption harder because it doesn't feel intuitive. Why isn't it in the same place as the link icon (where the permalink lives). What made you all decide to remove it from there? A permalink and an email feel right in that area - can you all consider moving it back?

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I agree with Christi Adams it's good we still have this feature but we use it all the time and like so many of the regular features, these additional clicks (along with trying to remember where to find things) is slowing us down and making us less effective.

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Thanks a lot for your continued feedback here, folks, I'll now send it on to the team responsible for the Item view 👍

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Still no update to return this link to its original location after 4 months? This has massively slowed down many workflows for our teams.

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Hi Ann McCartney, sorry to hear you're disappointed. We don't have updates at the moment, but please rest assured your feedback will reach our Product team. 

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Have to agree with Ann McCartney This has turned out to be way more, than just a little inconvenience. 

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I am finishing huge projects in November and out of nowhere my layout has turned to lightspeed. I just realized the email URL is missing as an option. I find this thread that started in April and there's still no true resolution. The email links were available to me yesterday before the layout change. My old ones are still working and there's a work around for it above, by adding the task number to the email format. So literally nothing changed function-wise other than offering this automatically.

All Wrike needs to do is add back the email link (that still works) to the Permalink pop up menu -- very basic thing to do. 

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Hi Aaron Weinzierl, welcome to the forums 👋

It should be working as usual: if you click on the three-dot menu and then click on the "Update by email", it should be there:

Could you try it and let me know how it goes? 


Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Please, please reinstate the email link back with the task list for easy access. Its current location is not quick or intuitive to use. 

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