Space Strategy - Department hierarchy
Hi Community,
I am trying to figure out how to best organize my Spaces. My COO (head of operations) is responsible for the following sub-departments: IT (my team), Supply Chain, Operations, and HR. Should I simply just establish these four "department" spaces and ensure the COO has access to all of them? And then drive holistic updates through reporting across all four spaces? I did notice someone on here requested "sub spaces" but it didn't go anywhere.
Thanks, Mike
Hi Mike Beck from my point the best is to make sperate spaces for teams working in sperate ways. For us we have the R&D and the manufacturing engineering. Both working closely together, but having different workflows, different daily work and billing. So each has an own workspace, but all members can see both. For us this is working well, as normaly engineering is working in R&D projects but not vice versa.
So my recommendation: do not think about departments, but thik about the work. Do IT, supply chain, ... normaly have projects / tasks together? Is the workflow in projects and tasks the same (my recommendation so less workflows as possible in one space)? If your projects are clearly connected to only one department and colleagues from another department are working only in them sporadic make seprate spaces. If you have strong cross department projects mainly then make one space for all.
Best Sven
Our space structure is fairly similar to the one Sven described and it seems to be working reasonably well for us. We have two groups, Events and Communications, that are related but that work in very different ways and structure their projects in very different ways. Each group has its space and everyone can see everything. The Events team only works on tasks in their own space. The Communications team works on a small number of tasks in Events, and those tasks are labeled in both spaces so they're visible alongside all the rest of the Communications team's work.
The only area where we continue to encounter friction is in task naming. Since the Events team tends to work on one large project at a time, they do not name their tasks with a project prefix, so there might be tasks named "Build Web Page." Meanwhile, the Communications team may be working on a dozen or more smaller projects, each of which could involve building one or more web pages, so task names need to be more specific.
thank you Sven and Glen for your feedback! I will create three spaces only: Operations, HR, Technology