Adding new users and collaborators

In the Wrike for Marketers edition, all Regular Users can add other Regular Users (paid accounts), however only Admins can add Collaborators.  This seems to be a little backwards to me.  Not only does it lead to overdrafting the account, it is an inefficient way to add Collaborators.  Please enable all users the ability to add Collaborators and only Admins to add Regular Users.

Meshelle Loos SYKES

Meshelle Loos SYKES

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Agreed, collaborators should be the default option for adding users, they can then be upgraded to Regular if needed.

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At the least, "Please enable all users the ability to add Collaborators" part. Or, at the very least, enable users to post a request to admins to add a collaborator and manage that as an admin to-do list.

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Hi everyone, thanks for writing in! I was just wondering where users usually send invitations from? While it isn't possible to choose a license type when inviting from the assignee panel, it is possible to do this from the "Add users" section in the bottom panel of the Workspace:


Does this help?

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Anastazia, thanks for the reply. For my team, we will be adding a large number of collaborators as we work with a wide range of stakeholders.

We have been using the add users option but the workflow isn't great as we have to brief them in advance, explain what the system is, give them a little guidance and then share the task with them which is quite time consuming.

It's not feasible to provide them with training on Wrike so the ideal thing for us is that we can invite a new collaborator to a task and they get a tailored email from my team letting them know which specific task has been shared with them, perhaps even with a personal note. Then, once they have registered it should be extremely obvious where that task is.

Currently they are getting an email to sign up to Wrike without any context of why. Then when they do sign in they are presented with the Wrike onboarding tasks, not the task we shared. Plus they are then being sent emails from Wrike about using the tool in general, which I don't think is the best business experience for us.

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Hi Anastasia, I think the main point of concern is being missed.  It is not the how, it is the why.  Currently, anyone can add a Regular User, but only Admins can add Collaborators. 

Enabling the masses to add Regular (paid accounts) is a maintenance nightmare.  As there is a cost involved, this function should only be available to Admins.  Allowing anyone to affect the costs of the Wrike account is like allowing anyone to pull money from your bank account.

As for adding Collaborators, what is the benefit for preventing everyone (outside of Admins) to add a Collaborator?  I only see the extra steps involved to complete the request.  Inefficient.

To me, the strategy seems backwards, but maybe I am missing something.

Meshelle Loos SYKES

Meshelle Loos SYKES

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Hi Anastazia, I agree with Meshelle and share Angus's concerns but answering your question anyway.

As a non-admin, I would like to invite a collaborator to a task. I would do that as a mention in a comment on the task. I type @ and a list comes up but the person I want to collaborate with isn't there so that's where I would want to add them (or request that an admin add them). I'm open about whatever workflow goes from there and to having to come back later to make my comment and mention. But, that's the point at which I find out that the person is not yet a collaborator so I'd like any sort of "make it so" feature there.



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Hi everyone, thanks for clarifying the part about how you invite directly to a task - that's helpful and I can see how it's better to invite to send an invitation with context. @Meshelle, I just wanted to let you know that it is possible to restrict invitation permissions on Enterprise accounts, with the help of Advanced Security Settings (to ensure that regular users aren't invites and don't take up seats). Let me know if you'd like to chat some more about that!

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Hi again 🙂 I wanted to share another way of inviting Collaborators, thought I understand that this is a bit trickier than using the panel at the bottom of the page, and definitely not as streamlined as inviting from a task. I have passed your feedback along to our team, but just wanted to show that you can also change license types when inviting from the Folder/Project sharing menu in the Folder tree:

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This is a really important feature/change request.


When one of my users, who has a paid subscription (who is not an admin), wants to invite a guest into one of their projects, these guests should absolutely ALWAYS be as free guests by default.  Every other cloud collaboration platform works this way...Basecamp, IBM Connections, Dropbox, OneDrive, etc.  I don't even want my users to have the option to choose.  They should only have the ability to invite guests (free) to work on tasks with them.


What happens when my users invite people into Wrike and they come in as regular users?  Next thing you know I'm over our subscription and responsible for paying for these guest user subscriptions.  Or forced to go in after they accept and downgrade their accounts to collaborator.  As others have stated...this is the exact opposite how this should work.


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Hi Jim, thank you for your input here and bumping this post. Our Product Tam is are aware of the feedback here and if this is added to the roadmap for changes I will update you here.

@All, to iterate the information above, for Enterprise accounts, there's an option in Advanced Security Settings to ensure that regular users aren't invited so don't take up seats.

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Unfortunately, this issue is more of poor planning than an "Advanced" feature.  So we have to pay more to have it work right?  Yet another reason to look for a more effective product.  I used to be a big advocate for Wrike, but now I warn my peers to look elsewhere.  Fortunately, there are plenty of other choices.  We are kind of stuck with it a few more months.  

I'm following several of these posts, and it is unfortunate to see that some of them have been going on for a year, or more, with no movement.  The perception is that our voice doesn't matter.

Meshelle Loos SYKES

Meshelle Loos SYKES

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Hi Meshelle, I'm sorry to hear this feedback. I can reassure you that the relevant team are aware of this post and points made here. Once I have any further information to share I'll be sure to update you.

In the meantime, if you'd like me to arrange a call with your account manager to discuss your options please let me know. Thanks for continuing to add suggestions and ideas with us here.

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As our organization is using Wrike more and more across all departments this setting is a real limitation.

I want my clients to be engaged with my PM's and their project. Requiring an Admin to add each collaborator is a choke point for our operational efficiency and effectiveness.

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Thanks a lot for bumping this thread Benji! Your feedback is logged and shared with our Product team now 👍

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