[Status: Backburner ⌛️] @Linking to projects/tasks
One feature I miss from Asana is being able to directly link to tasks/projects using the @ symbol. It's a big pain point having to load the project or task in another window to get the link.
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One feature I miss from Asana is being able to directly link to tasks/projects using the @ symbol. It's a big pain point having to load the project or task in another window to get the link.
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Hi again. Austin! :) Thank you for adding this request here. Just to clarify: are you looking for this functionality in the description field, or in the comment stream?
Hi Anastasia, both would be great.
Hi Anastasia,
This is also a feature that we desperately need. A modern system should definitely support that type of feature.
I alos realised that this has already been discussed 6 years ago in the comments of that page: https://www.wrike.com/blog/getting-full-work-context-easy-with-cross-linking-tasks-and-projects/
Any ETA on that would be great!
Hi Romain, thanks for bumping this post. I have no new update on this at the moment as it's not the Product Team short-term roadmap but it will be brought to their attention and if we have an update, I'll be sure to post back here 👍
It would be great if you had a use-case on how you'd use this new feature and how it'll help your team do more. This really helps our team understand how teams might use such a feature. Thank you!
For my team, it's just a common action that we reference or discuss other projects in the system.
For example if I want a designer to use another project as a base for a design I could just @link the project I'm referring to. Right now I have to go find the project, get the link, copy it, come back to where I was, and paste it.
Pretty much what Austin said.
It's very common to have tasks that are related to each other, yet not dependencies. Being able to add a comment such as
"This part is currently being implemented in #<start typing your task name and a pop-up allow you to select the task itself>" would save a lot of time.
Strongly needed feature! As stated both in description and comments.
I add another vote for this feature. I am using tasks for issue tracking, and I oftentimes need to relate or link one issue to a separate issue. The relationship is not a predecessor type relationship - it is simply that the issues are in common but distinct. Please add the ability to either relate or link tasks to one another.
You almost already have this feature! - When you create a subtask it searches for already created tasks. The searching is there but just needs to be made available in the comments/description areas.
+1 for this feature
Very much agreed.
For accurate use-case scenario, just look at how Github issues operates.
They use # in comment sections to link to other issues and reference things like that.
We would like to move from issues to wrike but are unable to completely migrate without features like this.
Also want to vote for this. The extra keystrokes and toggling windows is a big hit on efficiency when you could just type a task's name and it would appear, ala Asana, Jira, etc. We use tasks for meetings and being able to quickly fill in the name of a task during a meeting live really helps the flow of the discussion. Right now if during a meeting a participant mentions an existing task, the minute or so lost while the scribe copies and pastes the task from its home location to the task that is representing the meeting notes is a huge detriment to the flow of the meeting.
Also, in the iOS app, the name of the task doesn't appear even if you paste it from a hyperlink, so that's even a further problem as you can't at a glance see what the pasted task is about, just its link. Getting this rectified would be a huge boo, too!
Thanks and really hoping you'll make this happen soon!
I just started using Wrike, and was surprised to see that this wasn't already a feature. I assumed this was standard in any ticketing/task tracking software. I really hope this happens soon - I'm fairly concerned that this is currently such a big part of my team's workflow that Wrike is going to get abandoned. We commonly link or merge request tickets together, so we can relate customer or internal asks to features we are building. Agree with others that this type of linking is standard practice.
This is a function we can benefit from and are looking for too! I agree with the community that this a very common functionality in project/task tracking software. Looking forward to seeing when this will be added to the road map.
I'd like to add my vote here too please. This is an absolute necessity to improve productivity
That's a low-hanging fruit. Please implement this.
Hey guys, thanks for sharing your feedback here, it really helps our Product team understand the popularity of the feature suggestion. I don't have an update for you at the moment, please keep upvoting the original post by @Austin 👍
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Hi, I'd like to jump back in here and add that ideally, this should be in some kind of "robust" implementation where you would have a list of the linked tasks/projects/folders in an area at the bottom of the task. This would lead to reciprocal linking back to the mentioned tasks. As I move forward with Wrike, the fact that even if you past a link to another task in one task, there is no reference back in the task that was pasted in. The reciprocal linking as hugely useful, I have seen it now in Clickup, LiquidPlanner, Jira where it's a staple, even product development tools like Craft.io, aha.io. This feature gives great context to the task when viewed by a number of users - assignees, so they can see how a task originated, and creators can link in related tasks that lead to the task.
I think you could easily expand the dependency function to simply add in a few other relations that are typical in other task management tools:
- relates to
- caused by
- duplicated by
These relations would not need to show up in Gantt or other places that dependencies are referenced. They would just show in each task, but would allow clicking back and forth, and give the huge benefit of visibility between tasks that's a great function of other PM apps that have this feature.
Thanks guys and fingers crossed for an implementation soon!!
I'll add my thoughts here as well.
I quickly make a list of action items during a meeting using check boxes or bullets. Later I want to turn those into tasks but keep the original reference in my meeting notes and link to a created task. It would be great to be able to @mention (or similar action) a task/project or the ability to search existing tasks when inserting a link (ctrl+k). Right now I have to have multiple tabs open, leave my task to find the one I want to link to, copy the permalink, then find the original task and paste the permalink. It's not a difficult process but gets very cumbersome when you are working with a lot of tasks and have a lot of tabs open in your browser.
As a side note it would be great to be able to add tasks via markup similar to the way Wikimedia allows you to create a new page from a phrase with certain syntax (example [[new task name goes here]] = create a new tasks with what's in brackets as the title - see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Links).
@ron Grover, great points here, and I am doing meetings exactly the same! Have to give Wrike kudos for being able to link a task to Google Calendar in the most seamless method I've seen in any of the many Project Management apps I've been testing this year, which greatly helps using tasks for meetings as they can be almost instantly scheduled and referred to in Gsuite calendar. I think there is a great potential for Wrike to create a template, or add just a bit more functionality around a certain custom type of task, and we'd have a near perfect meeting note tool...but I'll save more details about that for another thread.
I in fact have just come from Jira where I tried to set up a system where I'd use a Jira custom issue type called "meeting" to represent team meetings. I'd take the notes in Confluence though, as Jira issues did not lend themselves to serve as a good record of the meeting since I would have trouble with exactly this - referencing the tasks that were brought up in-meeting in good context. The best tool I found for doing this is a table: There is a column for the subject, and a column for "related task." This can be an existing task the team wants to discuss, or new one that comes up in meetings. Wrike shines here in that you can include a table in the task description to serve this purpose, unlike Jira or anything else out there I've seen. And with the new tables' ability to unfurl tasks, there is even more context by simply pasting via a simple "ctrl" + "v" after grabbing a task via permalink.
What I've done though to make this work in the context you are talking about Ron is to use subtasks for all action items in the meeting. Again, Wrike beats other tools here since subtasks do not live within the parent task exclusively. So unlike Jira for example, where every subtask is in the same project as the parent, the Wrike subtasks are both linked to the parent, but live anywhere else you'd like. So in this way, each of my subtasks, which in effect are tasks on their own living anywhere else I want, pick up the meeting reference:
Another great function I've discovered (I'm new to Wrike) is that when you type into the "subtask" field in a task, you can both create new tasks, and pull up in a few keystrokes existing tasks. In each case, once the task is in the Parent I'm using for the meeting, it is just a simple right click of the mouse to "permalink" on the drop down, and I have the link to the task. I then navigate with the mouse to the table I'm using to track subjects discussed, and I paste in the task. This takes all but 2 seconds, very fast all in all and barely hits my meeting's flow.
I wind up with the tasks discussed as subtasks, but they keep the reference to this meeting - and any other I want to attach them to later - and the tasks referenced in the table of discussion points, so the reader can see context right in the task description.
And this works great for creating an agenda. Think about this use case: You may have a range of old tasks in Wrike. Some of the team is eager to get these topics discussed. Each team member can go in, and in the subtask filed in just a few keystrokes scan the entirety of Wrike covering all tasks they have permissions on across all Spaces (!!) and bring them in as a subtask, and thus a discussion item in the meeting. I do not know of any other tool out there that so easily allows inclusion of anything in its system into a task.
And as a further benefit, the task can be Emailed to the participants with an @mention in comments pre meeting so they get the agenda. Again, Wrike is strong here as the entirety of the task shows up in Email. Other systems I've tested such as ClickUp only Email via @mention a link to a task, so the recipient has to click back out of Email to view the task, in this case the meeting agenda. Who knows how that will succeed? If you're on your phone at the time and you don't have the app? Or your tool of choice tries to auto-authenticate you across a few browsers to the app? It' much better just to have the whole task in Email, period.
And finally, this works great with the same method post meeting as a summary. The meeting leader simply @mentions every watcher and says "re you go guys, meeting notes" and in moments everybody has that in their Inbox, excellent!
Now I do think this is a bit of a workaround and ideally I'd prefer that the action items are not subtasks at all, but related tasks as I've commented above. This does get us a reciprocal reference back to the meeting via the Parent/Subtask relationship, but I think it would be better if the tasks just linked.
Also, back to the point of this thread, I would really like to do follow-on tasks in Wrike, and that would require a full-on task reference field. Case in point: I have a phone line in my team's account that has an installment plan. I want to cancel it after the last installment is paid. One of the IT guys during a fix on the phone done via a one-off tasks comments in the task "by the way I noticed we are down to one installment and we should cancel this line when that installment is paid." Right now, I can't really add a task that relates to this one. A dependency is not appropriate as these tasks are not dependent on each other. Jira allows linking of tasks and give you multiple options to describe the link as I stated above. One is "discovered during." In this case, I'd love to be able in a moment to just fire up a task, create a "discovered during" link back to this task that surfaced the need to cancel the line. Then, schedule the task to cancel the line and see in that task that the IT guy referenced that while he was fixing the phone in question.
Thanks guys and very hopeful you can give us true reciprocal tasks soon!
Wow @Al, thanks so so much for taking the time and posting this for the Community members! 👍 As for the original topic here, this is on my radar and I'll keep checking for the updates, of course!
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
@Lisa, thank you, very glad to help I am really excited about this solution as I onboard my team into Wrike as I have not found as good a way to run meetings in any other PM tools/apps out there. I am going to try to clean that up and post it over to "best practices" - a part of the community I just discovered - shortly.
I do really think the ability to link between tasks more liberally in Wrike would be a huge win. One other use, if you could automatically have tasks pick up reciprocal mentions - by this I mean that if a task is mentioned within one task, The link is shown in the "mentioned" task, perhaps in the top pane where custom fields are shown? So, the use I wanted to share: I wanted to record feature requests in Wrike by making each a task, then associating the the task in my team's Product Backlog. This way I can gather feature requests form users that are most popular and priorities feature requests.
Here's how this could work: My sales team picks up requests in Emails frequently from users. They can create tasks directly from these in Wrike via your excellent Gmail add-on. I also have a list of feature requests that are already in Wrike, tagged "feature requests" and in that folder. When a user requests an existing feature request, I'd like the task that is this user's new mention to be able to link to the existing feature request task. As more and more of the same feature requests come in, the "home" feature request that these link to will gain these linked tasks, and we can see which are the most popular feature requests. There are dedicated "Product Planning" tools out there such as Aha, ProductBoard, ProdPad, etc. that have this functionality. But I think Wrike can actually match this, unlike other PM tools, if you just had a bit more robust reciprocal linking between tasks.
Hope that makes sense and really holding for this to be released!
I needed to refer / relate / link one task to another task due to similarity, ended up copying the task Permalink and pasting it into the other task. Works OK.
Hi, just jumping in here again as this is a very big one for me so want to keep it active! What @Murray is suggesting is exactly the only way to do this right now, but the problem with that solution is that there is no "system" recognition of the relationship. I really think if you guys could simply look at expanding the current dependency relationship to include a link that is "relates to," for starters, that would be terrific. ClickUp is doing exactly this:
On their public roadmap board, you can see right above Zeb is explaning they will just add the "arbitrary" additional link to their existing dependency relationships. Really think you guys would get a big boost and solve this problem by doing just the same!
Thanks for listening!