Status change across workflows?

Hi all,

I've got an issue where users are not necessarily using the statuses as intended. We have some 'approval' statuses (snip attached) that are intended for initial approval of tasks, but I have users selecting these statuses to push the task back to approvers to reapprove the task, get permission to proceed with execution, etc etc..

I understand it's more a training issue (and I'm trying...!), but I was wondering if the highlighted 'approval' statuses could be shifted to a different workflow so they aren't visible to everyone, which I think would lessen the issue.

The ideal solution is to have the ability to 'lock out' statuses from certain users/groups, but from what I've found on the community here, that ability does not currently exist.

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We have a similar issue when people use the wrong workflow. What has helped us is having multiple workflows for different needs.

I do wish we could block certain users from using certain workflows!

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Lea Labastida I think we are on the same track!

Essentially I want to have an 'Approvals' workflow, which is where tasks are generated from our request forms, and await Management approval.

Once these tasks have this Management approval, they would be automatically given the 'Resource Not Allocated' status within a different 'RPO Workflow' - not many people know about the different workflows, so it would kind of solve my issue.

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Hi Guy Murphy, thank you for sharing your use case with the Community. Using different workflows, as Lea Labastida suggests, can definitely be a solution for this. You can also create a fixed workflow to limit the statuses than can be used by your team members. You would only need to create a transition between the statuses, this way users will be able to choose only from certain predesignated options.
You can also add approvals to your status. To do so, please navigate to Settings > Account Management > Workflows. Open the relevant workflow and click on the status you wish to add the approval to. You will see the option "Add approval".
I hope this information helps! Please, let us know if this is what you were looking for and if you have any additional questions.
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@... I had read up on the status transitions and it would do what I need, I would need to simplify our very complex status list though...

It may just be the motivation I need!

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