Recurrent Tasks are Updated!

Hi everyone!

Today we released a new version of recurrent tasks into Wrike! This is a particularly exciting release for our team because it was a request that gained momentum in the Community forums and came directly from you. To everyone who helped us beta test over the last few months and provide feedback, thank you. Now let’s talk about what we’ve done!

With the upgraded version of recurrent tasks:

  • You decide how many tasks from the sequence should be created at a time. For example, always have the upcoming four (or five, or six, etc) tasks created.
  • Upcoming tasks in the sequence are automatically created for you.
  • Updated UI for the description field editor

This release originated with your feedback and we would appreciate your feedback going forward! Let us know in the comments below.

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Hi and happy holidays :)

Really like to see these changes, but cant see them in my Wrike? No changes to the recurrent functionality?

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Stephanie Westbrook

Hi Jørgen, you should see the changes in your Workspace. 

When you create a recurrent task, do you see a menu like this? It has the option to create tasks upfront. Let me know if you're not seeing that and we'll see what's going on. 

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Just got started with Wrike this week and it's great to see the recent improvements of the recurrent tasks. While this looks like a big improvement, there are a few key items that would be great to see in an update soon:

- Including subtasks in recurring tasks

- Including all data from the original task in recurring copies, especially custom fields like budget.

- I'd imagine it may be a tricky feature, but having the ability to set a group of tasks to recur and maintaining their dependencies would be awesome. Maybe if a task could recur and if it's subtasks copied with it those subtask dependencies could carry over?

Ultimately, it takes a lot of time to setup tasks to their fullest extent within Wrike (duration, dependencies, subtasks, assignees, custom fields, etc.) so it'd be extremely beneficial and save a lot of time to have most if not all of a task duplicate when scheduled to maximize the efficiency of Wrike.



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Hi again, I now can see these changes, showed up an hour after I posted my message, looks really good!

Thanks :)

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@Joe - thanks for your feedback here. Let's go through some of the ideas you've touched on:

- For the subtasks becoming recurrent; I can see how this would be useful and it would be great to get your input and vote on this feedback post from Jory.

- Custom Fields will copy over to the new task, but the pre-entered Custom Field values won't move over be generated. I can see how this can be useful especially for setting reoccurring budgets etc. so thanks for sharing here.

- You're correct, the dependencies won't exist in the newly created recurring task and will need to be entered for each occurrence. This is something our Product Team is aware of and though it's not on their short-term roadmap it's something they discuss internally. You might be interested in voting for Emily's post which touches on this idea.

We really appreciate your feedback, thanks for getting in touch and if you have any questions, I'm happy to help 👍

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Stephanie Westbrook

@Jørgen Perfect, glad you like it!

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Our recurrent task feature isn't actually creating recurrent tasks. It's adding the start date to one (the first) task but not populating the others. Please help!

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Stephanie Westbrook

Hi Robin, welcome to the forums 😀. The other tasks will populate as their start date approaches. For example, if it's a task that's supposed to recur weekly on Tuesdays, then you should be getting new recurrent tasks on Mondays. If you want to have more tasks created at a time, check the box next to "create upfront" and then enter the number of tasks that you want to have queued up ahead of time. Let me know if that works! 

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Hello, Is there a way to show the tasks right away and replace the date that is added at the end of the task title with a number like it used to be? Basically, I would like to go back to the old method of reoccurring tasks. Please let me know if this is possible. Thanks.

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Stephanie Westbrook

@Kelly Hi there! There's currently no way to remove the date and replace it with something else. Was there other functionality you were missing from the old recurrent tasks or was it the naming in particular?

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The issue was more with the reoccurring tasks not being visible until the date approaches. we need all of the tasks visible. But, I am thinking I could use "duplicate task" instead of "reoccurring task". What we are trying to accomplish is when we have a task that will take 3 days, but it may not be completed in 3 days consecutively, we create a task and then make it reoccurring for 3 days. That way we get 3 day long blocks that we can spread out. Would duplicating the task work better in this situation?

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Stephanie Westbrook

@Kelly ah that helps! You can actually make it so that more than one recurrent shows up at a time. How to do this:

  1. Go in to the recurrent task editor.
  2. Check the box next to "create upfront".
  3. Enter the number of tasks you'd like to have in circulation at a time. 

So for example, say you choose to have 6 tasks created upfront, the 6 tasks are created immediately and then as the start date of the next task approaches, the 7th task in the sequence is created. Does that work for your use case?

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Thanks Stephanie. Let me play around with it for a bit. I appreciate your help!

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Stephanie Westbrook

@Kelly Of course! Let me know if it does work 🙂

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Would love to see an update in the future with recurring Projects (in addition to recurring tasks)!

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Wow, just saw this update today!  Thanks for this change! I agree with a previous post that subtasks in recurring task would be helpful!

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This has ruined my budgeting this month. I only just realised the recurring tasks were not showing and not included in the excel export. As I create several recurring tasks and gave each a value, I used this to budget. As the recurring tasks set for the rest of the month did not appear in the spreadsheet because only one day ahead's were showing, they were not included to the budget.

You make every change the wrong way. Why not leave the default as it was and enable people to tick a button to show one task only - or to show whatever other options? I can now add all mine at once but it takes lots of additional keystrokes.

You destroyed the timeline in the same way. Instead of offering people the chance to change or customise the views from what existed you simply removed functions I used (seeing the name of the assigned person on the timeline).

You need to make changes by offering users customisation but not by removing functions from everyone.

If you take anything else away that I use I will leave. A set of post it notes would be more reliable.


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I am also a bit confused with the Recurrent Task interface. I created one that recurs weekly for the entire year. The weekly task is not showing up after the first one. I'd rather not use the "Create Upfront" option, as we have a monthly task list we maintain in Wrike.

Anyone else having similar problems?


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Huge thanks for this! We will use this for scheduled maintenance for client projects.

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Hi all, thank you for your feedback on this. We continue to pass the detail to our Product Team.

@Brad - if you don't choose to 'Create upfront', then the task will only appear one working day in advance. This is to give the option of keeping Timeline clearer. Is this what you're seeing? Or is the task not appearing at all?

Thanks 👍

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Hey everyone

In relation to re-occurring tasks, if you complete one task does it mark all re-occurring tasks as completed? I am a newbie to Wrike and getting to grips with the fab features it has 😊


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I have a couple of questions my team brought up:


  1. Is it possible to create a report that shows all existing recurring tasks (not all instances of recurring tasks)?  Essentially we have created a folder in which the team puts their individual recurring task and the team lead would like to see what those tasks are.  The problem is that if we show completed and active it becomes a long list that can be rough to sort through. If we look at only active tasks we do not see tasks that are between recurrences.
  2. Is there any reminder when the last recurrence comes up? i.e. we have a recurrence of semi-annually and planned out 5 years.  Optimistically if we are still doing the same task in 5 years and the last recurrence comes up how do team members know to extend the recurrence?


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Hi Jeremiah, thanks for posting.

1. If all recurrent tasks are in one Folder you can build a Report from this Folder. The status, either completed and active can be selected and sorted to show only the tasks from that Folder. You could then 'group by' status or assignee to help see this information more easily. Please let me know if this would help and if you need more information.

2. On the very last in the recurrence, the person who created the recurrence and the assignees are mentioned on that task, letting them know that, "Recurrence limit is reached, and it is now complete. Modify recurrence to continue, or set up a new one."

Any further questions, I'm happy to help 😊

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Not quite sure how it works and what it does. It's a confusing feaure.


I think I'm sticking to my calendar for this kind of things!

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Hi Rui, are you talking about Recurring Tasks in general. They are a really great feature to automate and manage repeatable work.

For example, if you need to run a report each week. You can create a task with the information you need to run the report and make it reoccur on a certain day each week. This way you don't need to create the same type of task each week manually. 

Take a look at our Help Centre page on Recurrent tasks and if you have a question your Community is here to help! 👍

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Unfortunately group by status/assignee only gets us part way to what we would like to see which is a report of the distinct "seed" tasks that have an active recurrence.  It is a good intermediary solution but would be great to be able to create the report that shows a distinct list of tasks which have active recurrences.

The second part is helpful information to know that the creator of the task will be notified.  

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I've been playing around with the new recurring options and I also find part of it rather tedious - when you need to see all the occurrences up front, why is it necessary to also input a number of occurrences? Surely setting a beginning & end date should suffice. In the present configuration, you also need to calculate how many occurrences this represents... Could there be an option where you can just say: "Create all up front"?

In this case a popup informing if the 60 occurrence limit is reached before the end date would be helpful.

Plus: is there a way of applying a change to a custom field to all the occurrences? I often come back to update some information and have to remove the recurrence, input the data and reset the occurrence.

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@Jeremiah - Your use case is very helpful here. Being able to identify which task still have a recurrence running in Reports. This detail isn't captured but as a workaround, perhaps using a Custom Field checkbox and checking off those tasks when the recurrence ends, then filter this Custom Field in your Report. Granted this may be a little manual and cumbersome. Thanks for your input and feedback on this feature.

@Lucy - thanks for posting. The number of occurrences you want to create and the amount you want to see up-front provide different functions. For example, you may want a task to reoccur 100 times, but you only want to see four tasks up front. Now your Timeline view, for example, doesn't become over-crowded with 100 recurrent tasks at once. The example below shows 100 recurrences and a limit of 5 of them will show up-front in Wrike. If I've misunderstood that part of your question, please let me know.

As for the Custom Field data - the data is not pulled into each new occurrence currently. But there's an existing request for this that would benefit from your vote.



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Please enable the feature to copy over custom field details from the original task of a recurrence, this feature would save so much time! 


'' Custom Fields will copy over to the new task, but the pre-entered Custom Field values won't move over be generated. I can see how this can be useful especially for setting reoccurring budgets etc. so thanks for sharing here''

If this function has already been updated please let me know 👍👍👍👍👍👍

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Absolutely agree with Sarah. This will definitely save my time. Great idea! 👍 Please update this function🙂

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