Setting Wrike Folder Colors using API

I see that it is possible to get the wrike folder color from the api.

Is it possible to set the color using the API?  If not, will you consider adding that feature?

An example use case is in automating general status feedback and folder types using color.  It would help in highlighting folders when a task has many folders. 

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Pavel M

Hi Ansel! Thanks for your question, but I am afraid it is not possible at the moment. We already have similar feedback, I think it is indeed a valid suggestion will pass to the Product team.

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Thank you for your response.

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Is there any update to setting colors?

We have created an integration and assumed we could.

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Hi Courtney, thanks for posting. We've no new updates on this as of yet. If and when there's a change to this, we'll be sure to update you here 👍

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Also needed here. We have decided a color scheme for folders and projects, I have hundreds to update that I could write a script for in a fraction of the time.

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Hi Grayson Lorenz, thank you for bumping this idea. I'll move this thread to our Product Feedback forum so more members can upvote and contribute 😊

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