Duplicate pages when creating a request form.
I'm in the process of creating a request form for collecting information to create new user accounts for our service. First I ask how many users they plan to create, then I serve up a page with that number of fields for the user accounts. For example, they indicate they need 3 user accounts so I send them to a page which asks for first/last name, email and account type for users 1,2,3.
This process would become infinitely easier if I could duplicate an existing page of questions instead of having to recreate the page every time. Essentially I would only need to create the page with the max number of users (in my case 5) and then duplicate that page and delete the unused questions. Instead I am left typing out the same questions over and over again.
Hope this makes sense!
Yeah this would be helpful for me also. I have a question with about 30 options with custom assignments and folder locations that I need to duplicate for 5 dropdown option pages, currently the only way to do it is manually at the moment.
It would be very helpful for our workflow too.
We have multiple types of request forms, and each one needs to have multiple pages because of features/options/add'l info. that need to be selected or provided for each question. I'll have 30+ pages in a single request form.
There are shared elements between forms, so would be really helpful to be able to copy/carry those over - and then just modify elements that are different, rather than having to re-enter for each form.
Within each campaign, we have some assets that need the same categories of info (copy, artwork templates, etc.), others that require specialized details (size, format, etc.).
It would be helpful if the ones with shared elements/detail categories needed could be directed to the same page, while allowing different info to be entered for each copy. So multiple questions that are answered "yes" could direct to the same form - and each time it would be saved for that question with the different details entered.
Instead, I have to rebuild the same form multiple times, and redirect each individual asset with a "yes" reply to a unique page for that asset - even though some of the categories of details/criteria are the same (because the answers might differ).
@Christa Hi there!
"It would be helpful if the ones with shared elements/detail categories needed could be directed to the same page while allowing different info to be entered for each copy. So multiple questions that are answered "yes" could direct to the same form - and each time it would be saved for that question with the different details entered."
For this - it sounds like you want to be able to link between Requests and have questions send you to different pages on a different form. Want to make sure I'm getting that right?
This would be indeed very useful.
I agree. I have a photo shoot form and I need to have the same page for each item. This would be awesome if it could be duplicated five or six times, vs. retyping all the questions five or six times.
My hand is up for this one as well. We have an external form for our customers to give us information about events and we need to collect the same information for each event they have under a certain category. We have two categories so far and will be adding 1-2 more which means I will have to type out, once more, everything already done based on the category and scenario picked which increases my incidence of errors between pages. Having the ability to copy a page or a question/element would create more uniformity between my pages and speed up the creation process.
Agree this would be very useful.
would love that too !!!
and that you could be able to change the type of answers, when you select text or multiple choice , you can't change it afterwards. so you have to delete it, and do it again.
I would love this feature. It seems like it would be an easy addition to program into the form generation tool, and it would collectively save everyone a lot of time!
This would be so useful! Do you think we could have a feature like this Wrike team? At a minimum we should be able to duplicate questions!
I've learned this is a little bit bigger than it seems. As many conditions and mapping have been built in Request Form's current format, changing that might seem like a smaller change on the user end, but it actually takes a lot of research into all affected functionality to ensure any changes work seamlessly.
This is something the team has been thinking about a lot recently. I have no update right now as it's not on the roadmap, but as soon as I hear more I will definitely update you here 👍
Yes please! Thumbs up for this. I like the existing features of the Wrike Request Forms, but there must be a better way to replicate commonly used fields on a form - instead of having to re-create it each time.
I'd be happy with just being able to copy a current question into the next page of the same request form. We have multiple locations and when a person is transferred from one to the other, they select the From and To on the form drop down, but if two employees are transferred, they have to do a new request form. Would be great if i could make it so a "Yes i have more" simply let me copy/paste the two store listings to the next question and continue and No would = submit form.
The possibility to copy pages and fields would save us a lot of time. We hope this feature will find it's way to the roadmap!
The suggestion of Christa Vogel would also be very helpful. I need a form in which we can have an "add another" function.
For example: we can hire students to work on events, for each of them, several fields need to be filled in. The amount of students is different per event. So I would need a form in which an "add another" button would lead to a new page, identical to the previous one, but with empty fields.
Yes to everything in this thread. These would be huge time savers. I am creating a form for collecting label requests. Planning to link up 20+ pages that are copies of each other so I can allow the same user to request multiple labels in one go. This creates a hard upper limit of 20 which won't scale as we grow.
I agree! This would be extremely helpful and save a lot of time. Our main form has close to 30 pages. The one question I need to repeat on almost every page has 23 options with conditional formatting for each.
Are there any updates on the timeline for this?
Hi folks, a quick update to let you know that we're checking in with the Product team on this one. As soon as we have an update we'll let you know 👍
Elaine Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Узнайте о самых популярных функциях Wrike и советах по его использованию
Elaine Wrike Team member Узнайте о самых популярных функциях Wrike и советах по его использованию
Hi everyone! The team is now researching some possible enhancements for request forms, and this particular suggestion might be part of those enhancements. We'll make sure to let you know more once the plans are finalized. Thank you for your feedback and support here!
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
This would be a HUGE help for me. I have spent hours updating a form, having to manually replicate pages throughout the form in order for them to dynamically populate project templates.
Yes been waiting for this since 2018 when we first started using Wrike - feel frustrated it hasn't been created:(
Hello Laura Walz, Julia Marber, thank you for posting. I understand this might be frustrating. We’d love to be able to implement all of the suggestions that our members share with us, but our Product team has to prioritize certain requests over others based on various factors and considerations at the time.
I've passed on your feedback to our Product Team and of course, we'll be sure to let you know if there are any updates in relation to this suggestion.
Please do consider this for form improvements! Form building is slow and unwieldy when needing to collect a lot of information.
Hi Shannon Whitley, thank you for supporting this suggestion, please be sure to add your upvote to the original post if you haven't yet 👍🏼
I also agree. This would be huge for us!
Another vote for this functionality. It seems like a total no-brainer to me (and many others seem to agree).
Hi Nich Adam MOHAI thank you very much for voicing your interest in this idea, we can see this request is becoming popular. Please make sure to upvote the original post at the top so it receives the necessary amount of votes to get a status assigned. We are passing your feedback on to the Product Development Team. Thank you!
This would be a huge help for our team. We currently use one marketing request form to maintain consistency. However, we use the form for 3 different regions which require different custom fields, assignees, blueprinted projects, and parent folders to be added to the question based on the answer. Currently, I have to write down everything and then completely recreate the additional pages based on my notes, and then scour through all the pages to ensure it is all consistent. Our form is 18 pages due to all the redirects, so it would be a huge help to be able to duplicate pages that have the same questions and answers but require different fields, assignees, etc. to be adjusted after duplication.
Great suggestion, big upvote from us!!
This is a feature that would be useful in so many situations. I hope the Wrike Product Development Team considers this for their next development.