[Status: Not planned] Restrict Report Snapshot Configuration
We are looking to give some measure of client visibility into our support queue, and the Snapshots of reports seemed to be a good option. These would be sent to non-users of Wrike. That said, the ability to change the configuration of the report snapshot is retained, even for those with no access to the platform. I would like to present to the client only the columns of data I wish them to see, or is relevant to them. As it stands, they appear to the able to add new columns of data, including which employee is assigned, dates, etc. Is this functionality something that can be restricted? Please see attached files for reference. |
Agreed - we started using snapshots internally recently and we're excited to use snapshots with external clients as well. But not having the ability to restrict what data can be viewed by external users makes it unusable for us.
Will have to export and send our a spreadsheet instead which is a hassle to do on a recurring basis.
Great input here guys. Our Product Team are looking at enhancing sharing options and it's great to see this sort of feedback at this time of the internal discussions. It's been brought to the Product Team's attention. Thanks for posting!
100% agree. This is an essential feature for sharing reports with our company board. Right now this makes Wrike snapshot reports very risky. For example, we are still working on improving our time tracking, but any external user who receives the report can pull up this information and think we are spending alot less time than we actually are eve if I try to hide it with the configuration cog!
Any updates on this specific request? I'd love to know if there is a way to restrict snapshots from having the ability to reconfigure!
Please, please, Wrike... Help us with some simple client level reporting! PLEASE?!?!
This is the answer I received when trying to get an answer on this. Not trying to throw anyone under the bus*, but wanted to share...
Have you tried exporting reports instead? This way you can remove unnecessary columns from the report before sharing it with external team members: https://help.wrike.com/hc/en-us/articles/209604449-Reports-Overview#export"
From the answer, I think they may have misunderstood the whole idea behind this request... the point is that we know how to make the report show the columns and rows in the way we want them to, but when the report is shared as a snapshot, the GEAR ICON on the left remains active and allows the viewer of the snapshot to reconfigure the columns and rows to reveal other elements that we intended to be hidden.
We just want the option of hiding the GEAR ICON on snapshots to FREEZE what columns are available when sharing a snapshot with an external client. That way, they see it as we intended, without the ability to manipulate it to reveal other information (columns) that we don't want to be shared.
If we choose to not hide the GEAR ICON on the snapshot, then it can be available for them to use. It should be our choice.
@Shawn Hey, thanks for posting that and sorry for the long reply here. The suggestion posted by @Grant is passed to our Product team, currently it is not on the short-term roadmap. What the Community can do right now is keep voting and adding comments - that is how the team will understand the popularity of this suggestion. I'll refer other members to this thread when I can 🤝
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
@Lisa Hey Lisa... I appreciate someone noticing this... It's quickly becoming a source of frustration for me and my team. And it's really a fairly simple solution: Give licensed users the option to either lock or hid the gear when creating snapshots! I realize that there is a more complicated technology hurdle to jump, but I can't see it being huge.
As far as your suggestion to keep voting up so the team will understand the popularity of this request... I will continue to do that, BUT please keep in mind, and pass this on... just because a request hasn't been seen by everyone or doesn't have the upvotes, does NOT mean that it doesn't make sense to implement! This feature request, custom project statuses, AND the automatic numbering of tasks are ALL no brainers.
We are doing the workarounds as well as we can, but we deal with clients every day who just want an easier way to see the status of their projects... and we do not have time to customize that view for every client on a real-time basis. A great piece of software that already has the information should be able to do that for us in real time a way that does not expose our internal communications or processes.
How about some attention here?! This should be a no brainer. Please?!
I completely agree with this use case! this is one of the critical pain points we have the Wrike platform.
We have to get this "view-only" feature to easily and quickly share snapshots with our customers, otherwise to go back to excel sheets, etc takes us years back..
Adding my vote to this request. This is an absolute need for our line of business, where we have to share status reports with our clients weekly. We have over 150 projects that we have to report on weekly; using the export feature to excel and spending a good 20+ minutes to remove unwanted info and format the table to look presentable is not an option.
Sharing the snapshot with the client by email would save us HOURS of work on reporting. But, like it has been reported here, the gear/settings icon makes it unusable because it allows for some internal information to be seen
At the moment we can print the list view to share through PDF, but it doesn't look as good and doesn't have all the info. Please, please, make it happen!
Adding a vote to this request. Essential functionality in order to share snapshots with users/clients outside of our organization.
Hi! I agree with Shawn Nelson, It is necessary to restrict the report snapshot configuration in order to assure that the client only sees what we want.
Exporting reports is not a real solution. The website report (snapshot) is better because it is well organized and it doesn't take time to do it, but if you export the data it is just an excel spreadsheet and it takes time to adapt it.
"We want the option of hiding the GEAR ICON on snapshots to FREEZE what columns are available when sharing a snapshot with an external client. That way, they see it as we intended, without the ability to manipulate it to reveal other information (columns) that we don't want to be shared".
Hope you can help us soon with this need.
Hey everybody. There are currently no specific plans to implement this feature into Wrike. I understand that this is disappointing news, but this does not mean that this will never be a feature. I would recommend that you continue to provide feedback, and to vote for this thread. All of your input is passed on to the Product team, and is used in conversations when discussing possible new features in Wrike.
If you have any other questions, be sure to let me know.
Added my vote as well!
This is very important for our team. We do not need our clients seeing the time spent, assignees, and custom fields..
Hi Caitlin Beaty, thank you for sharing your feedback here. I don't have an update for you at the moment, but if anything changes, I'll be sure to keep you posted.
I have been asking anyone at Wrike that will hear me about this same issue for 2 years. right now, I have an employee who downloads 75 different reports every month into Excel and "pretties" them up - then emails them individually to clients. It is a complete waste of time. How hard can it be to just leave the silly Gear settings OFF of the snapshot????? 😡😤😡😤
Hi Melissa Jones, thanks for sharing your feedback here, I can appreciate that this must be frustrating for you.
We don't have any updates to share in relation to this request at the moment, but I have passed on your feedback to the team. If there are any changes here, we'll be sure to let you know.
If you need any further assistance, or if there's anything else I can help with in the meantime, please don't hesitate to ask.
Elaine Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Aprenda sobre as funcionalidades e melhores práticas em Wrike com o nosso Treinamento Webinar Online
Elaine Wrike Team member Aprenda sobre as funcionalidades e melhores práticas em Wrike com o nosso Treinamento Webinar Online
This is a huge inconvenience for our team of project engineers. The ability to share the status of a project with our clients is essential. Giving clients the ability to unhide columns, view custom fields and financial information makes no sense. We are back to spreadsheets and manually typing emails for status. I hope this feature request gets some attention soon.
Thank you.
Thank you for sharing your feedback here Scott Vickery! I'm sorry to hear this is causing inconvenience.
I'm passing on your feedback to the Product team.
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Hello! Any updates on this? My team is experiencing the same issue.
We could definitely use the upgraded "lock" or limiting feature discussed in this string. Exporting to Excel results in the time-consuming process of configuring the Excel spreadsheet to look more polished (like the report). Reports may cover tasks that certain internal users do not have access to, and no client would have access to them. A report just gives the recipient a window into internal processes and information.
Hi Heather Kane, thank you for sharing your feedback and use-case here. I've passed it on to our Product team. Please be sure to upvote the original suggestion if you haven't yet 👍🏼
I would like to join, because limiting the display in the snapshots would be a useful enhancement. Currently the transparency of the snapshots is too high or too easily configurable for our defined target group.
Hello Hannes Endreß, welcome to the Community 👋🏻
Thank you for adding your support for this suggestion and sharing your feedback. I've passed it on to our Product team. Please be sure to upvote the original post if you haven't yet. The number of upvotes helps our Product team to understand the popularity of the idea. You can find more information on our Product Feedback process in this Community article👈
Agree with the comments above. Wrike, you have taken a really good idea and then undermined it with the gear cog. Please just remove it from the snapshot view. We then have control of the columns visible and our clients only see, not only what is relevant, but only what they need to - no distractions.
This request is now four years old. Surely it's time to implement, it's not a huge functionality change?
👍 👍 👍 Dear fellow commenters, please ask your teams to upvote the original post to get this to 60 votes 👍 👍 👍
Hi Tony Edmeades, welcome to the Community 👋
I understand that you support this suggestion and would like to see it implemented. Please rest assured that all feedback from this forum is reported to our Product team, and the votes help them see how popular different suggestions are. Even though the team can't commit to working on all suggestions here, your feedback plays an important part in their discussions and planning.
Once this post reaches the 60 votes threshold, we will add a Product status here 👍
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Currently we are completely unable to use the Report feature to share reports with our external customers, because of this inability to prevent those users from re-enabling columns that we specifically want to hide in the report. In a recent conversation with Support, I too was given the suggestion of exporting the data to Excel, which as others have rightly pointed out is a waste of time and essentially an acknowledgement that this feature is not suitable for external use as intended.
Surely it can't be that hard to simply suppress the gear icon on report snapshots to prevent users of those snapshots from being able to change which columns appear (and potentially add columns that we don't want to expose)?
I'll be asking my entire team to upvote this request, and I hope others will do the same.
Lisa @... - We've reached 60 upvotes! Hoping the Product Team will review and provide a status update now?