[Duplicate] Board view for Projects instead of Tasks?
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Is there a way to make a Board View show Projects instead of tasks?
We organize most of our work through projects, and seeing the state they are in via the board view would be useful, however we have only been able to get it to work with tasks.
Is there a way around this currently?
Unfortunately, Dashboards seem to only be viewable by full users.
We have collaborators who view and comment on our project cards for visibility, but right now that is simply done with the Table View in the appropriate space.
A cleaner board view for our active projects that is visible to all full users and collaborators is what we were trying to create, but it's okay if it's not feasible. We will just continue to use the table view for now.
Can this feature please be revisited?
Managing the projects from a board is key for product design.
Thank you!
Hi Melissa Hampton, welcome to the Community! I've passed your feedback on to our Product Team 👍
May I ask you if New Dashboards could be of help for you?
Hi Juan,
I've created the dashboard version however it's not as easy to use as the board version.
For example, you can't drag across projects to different columns. It's also not as visual in that you can't see content/details inside the project.
Let me know if there are any work arounds.
Thanks, Melissa
Hi Melissa Hampton, thank you for your reply. You should be able to move projects across different columns as long as filters match the items' properties.
However, I understand this is not exactly what you are looking for and I've passed your feedback on to our Product Team 👍
Please prioritise a group by project filter on the board view - this is fundamental for any team that handles multiple projects at one time. This is business critical for my consultancy teams work.
The current workarounds are clunky (custom task manipulation to classify as projects) or require many clicks to complete all relevant tasks (use of custom dashboard), whereas a board view with swimlanes per project would majorly enhance the UX.
Here's my user story:
I want to be able to have a board view that has swimlanes per project (Group by Project)
So that I can clearly see my consultancy teams work in progress at a glance, and update task status per project quickly and visually through dragging and dropping.
Hi folks, please be sure to upvote this main thread here, and I'll mark this one as a duplicate.
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