[Status: Backburner ⌛️] Aggregation Function (Sum and Average) in New Table View
We have been using Table view to aggregate fields related to times, quantity and costs – mostly using the Sum function – so we can see, at a glance, calculated data related to projects.
In the new Table view, the aggregation option works differently and there is no way to make certain calculations within Wrike. For example:
- You can only aggregate custom fields that are plain numbers, you cannot aggregate fields that incorporate formulas i.e. you can't sum the results of calculations from formulas.
- You can only sum at project level i.e. you used to be able to get a calculation of the sums of sub-tasks within parent tasks.
- When you turn on the aggregate function for a project with sub-projects, it gives a total without turning on the aggregated sum function for all of the subprojects within the project i.e. to see individual project sums, you have to click and aggregate every sub-project within a project individually. In the old Table view, doing this for a parent project would switch the function on for every sub-project and parent task within.
We use Wrike for much more than just task management. The reporting and financial calculations within Wrike are fairly basic as is but if the new Table view is rolled out in Lightspeed, we will not be able to do any of the finance-, resource- and volume-related calculations we need for project management.
Please incorporate the previous Aggregation functionality of Table view into the new Table view!
Thanks for your help @...
This appears for me but it only works in certain fields and works differently from the old Table view – I might edit my original request to highlight this. Here's what I've noticed about the differences in new Table view, please jump in if any of this is possible!
I also can't see where the average option has gone for the aggregation tool, although this isn't an issue as it hasn't been as important to us as calculating sums.
Thanks @... – as you've mentioned, I'm hoping that Wrike will take this feedback onboard and make this improvement to the beta/new version of Table view; it would save us so much time to have the aggregation applied down to task level with one click instead of having to do it manually for every parent task and subproject. The other main issue is that we cannot get this to apply or work on custom fields that have a formula at any level. It's important to the way the financing side of Wrike works for us that we can see the sum totals of these columns.
Hi Hana Jo, I perfectly understand your point and I have shared your comments with our Product Development Team. We will be glad to share any updates with you regarding this view as soon as we are informed of them 👍
I second hana jo... this has a huge impact on our company selecting Wrike. Just this issue alone may cause us not to choose this software.
Why would this not be a top-of-the-list issue? Having parent rows calculate totals is one of the fundamentals of spreadsheets... Every item for every company is marked up... therefore every "sell price of item" would be a formula... Business 101.
If I can't see my total costs vs sell prices, why wouldn't I just use excel for all my calculations?
Welcome to the Community Kasey Stertz, and thank you for supporting enhancements for data aggregation in the new Table view. We'll be announcing all improvements in our Weekly Release Notes primarily, so I'd recommend following this forum 👍
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
I totally agree with Hana Jo and Kasey Stertz. Please make this a priority issue. This update makes the table view (auto sums, filters etc.) useless for us.
Hi again everyone! Thank you for your continued feedback 🙌
We have recently posted an article on rollups and aggregations in the New Table view, please check it our here.
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
I too agree with hana jo and Kasey Stertz. Please make this a priority issue. This update makes the table view (auto sums, filters etc.) useless for us.
Filtering by resource without the option to see the roll up of that single resource makes for manual work on behalf of our Project Managers. We need to be able to see the sum of each resources tasks when setting up our projects when filtering. This was possible in the old views. Wrikes need to remove perfectly working features for UI updates is quite frustrating.
Hi Nicole DiTrani, thank you very much for your detailed feedback! I've passed it on to our Product Team and we will keep you updated on any available changes 👍
I agree with others here that removing working features is a reduction of functionality, not an improvement.
I can't figure out how to use SUM aggregation to show the SUM of items in a folder. Now, the folder lines have no option for SUM, and you can't enable aggregation at the column level that applies to all of the hierarchy like the old table. I cannot see a way of showing the total for a given folder in the EFFORT column. We do this with the old table all the time and now that ability is gone from what I can tell.
Using folder to organize project activity is not helpful if we can't see the aggregation for each folder. We now have to stop and calculate every folder on every project every time we want to review portions of the project? That's ridiculous. And we are about to lose the old table views so we are stuck with less functionality? This is frustrating!
Thank you for letting us know your feedback, Jason Pontius! This is something that our team is looking into at the moment, so we'll be sharing updates in relation to such calculations in the New Table view 👍
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Thanks, Lisa. Good to hear that this will be addressed.
It's frustrating, though, that the old tables are being removed before the new table supports the same functionality. I wish Wrike would not force rollouts on us before they are fully developed.
Noted Jason Pontius, thanks for sharing. We always aim to make transitions to new functionality as simple as possible, but of course there's always room for improvement. We appreciate your insight and I've fed this back to the team.
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I agree with all the feedback from all the user above. When filtering to a specific Assignee's tasks, I would expect the summations to adjust accordingly. Additionally, it doesn't appear that I am able to SUM the Effort column. In Nicole DiTrani's screenshot she was able to do that.
Hi Molly Koberna, welcome to the Community! Thank you for bringing this to us. I've opened a ticket with our Support Team so that they can help you clarify this. you will be contacted shortly 👍
Also, I'd like to mention that you can check our New to Community forum to discover all the resources you can find in our Community 🙂
I will echo everyone above, we need Aggregations back. I use a folder structure to group multiple projects for different programs and often have folders within folders, and not being able to have a basic SUM of these is frustrating. Being told there's now a manual way to do what was core functionality for the 4 years we have been with Wrike is not helpful.
Hi Sara Snuggs, thank you for sharing your feedback with us, I've passed it on to our Product Team 👍
Please, let us know if you have any additional questions.
The same here: we need aggregations! We've made custom table views 'Effort' for everyone. These are now absolutely useless.
We've just been rolled over to Lightspeed and discovered the same problem with auto sum functionality removed from our tables. This is a significant backwards step in usability for us. The end result is that our data entry into Wrike will now be less efficient and more error prone. I can explain further if needed. We need this back asap.
We were rolled over to Lightspeed this week and it's causing a TON of issues for us unfortunately. Not having the aggregation for time spent and effort on tasks and subtasks is not an option for us, and we can't see the SUM options that are shown by the Wrike team in the screenshots above. We've reached out to our account manager but I wanted to add to the thread for a +1 on this.
I have seen "currently this option is not supported in the New Table View" multiple times. This tells me that it's not ready for use. Why would you move forward with a roll-out when the features are not complete? Take away functionality from the current views and give us new views that don't provide the same functionality? Makes no sense to me.
Hey folks, thank you for your continued feedback on the New Table view. Please rest assured our team is getting all your inputs here.
Here are a couple of things we'd like to mention in relation to calculations:
I hope this is helpful!
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Thank you, Lisa, for the updates. I am not sure I understand the second bullet point. You state that you can't use rollups on tasks for effort and time spent because it would impact the Resources view. Are you referring to the aggregation method of old where sums were shown for each parent hierarchy? Or is this something specific and different?
The old Table view had the aggregations that many people are referring to in this thread, and the Resources view also existed. I did not see any issues with it then, but are you saying that the new Table view cannot show aggregations up the hierarchical tree? This is a new limitation and frustration for users if this is true.
I tested your suggestion of an additional custom field to duplicate the Effort column (which seems really silly to me). Yes, you can SUM different levels this way, including folders and subtasks. However, there is a caveat with this approach. If you turn on SUM for this calculated field for a task with subtasks, it no longer includes its own Effort into the total. So, if you have a task with hours, and subtasks with hours, you have to make a choice in your custom field rollup. You can either have your custom field show the parent's own Effort, OR the sum of all subtask Efforts excluding its own Effort. Never all of it. So, this value will always be wrong.
For example, a parent task having 48 hours of Effort with 3 subtasks of 8 hours each. This should be a total of 72 hours. However, to see the aggregation (SUM) at the parent task level, I turn on SUM for my custom Effort field. This now shows the total of all subtasks, which is only 24h. Or I can leave the SUM turned off and it will show the parent task Effort of 48 hours. There is no way to show 72 hours. In the old Table view with aggregation, you would see the 24 hours of subtasks next to the parent task's own 48 hours, so even though it didn't show "72", at least it showed both values that would add to 72. This is not possible using this custom field method.
Also, note that if you have SUM on for the entire column (project level), this value will be wrong. As it is summing all of the custom field which it does not understand that some of the values in this column are summed values already, the project level will show a number larger than reality. You must turn SUM off at the project level and let the custom field formula simply pull it from the real Effort column (=[Effort]).
Bottom line, although using a custom field to duplicate the Effort column (again, a seemingly unnecessary doubling of fields) can provide some interesting results, it comes with some significant caveats that can make the entire attempt meaningless. Where it does actually work is with folders since folders will never have their own Effort assigned to them. Here, it works. But not with tasks that have subtasks.
I think the users on this thread are really upset over the aggregation feature now being supported in the new Table view, as many of us rely on the visual of these subtotals within the project hierarchy. This is a step backwards, not forward.
Thanks so much for such detailed feedback Jason Pontius! We can see that this is a very important topic, so we are currently planning a session on the New Table view with our Product team. We'll keep you posted on this 👍
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Is there a way to disable the SUM option?
I completely agree with the general opinion in this thread. This is really a loss of very important functionnality for us. I hope that a solution will soon be found to restore this functionality.
Hi Sandy Rausch, Stephane Boulanger, welcome to the forums 👋 Thank you for your additional feedback here.
Sandy, I can see our Support agent replied to you on this, but in case it's useful for anyone else, it's possible enable or disable rollup either in a specific item level by hovering over the cell and clicking on SUM or for all items by selecting the three-dot menu next to the field name and unselecting Calculate subitems.
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
In addition to what Jason Pontius describes, working with a copy of effort has another problem. The sum includes cancelled tasks while it should not. We have blueprints and some tasks with default effort can be cancelled and for other tasks, effort will be added or adjusted. But now I have to ask people to not only change the status, but also change the effort to zero... And there seems no way for me to automate this, as effort is not available in Automation.
Is there any news on bringing back aggregation based on filtered items....?