[Status: Launched ๐Ÿš€] available in New Table View (Wrike Labs)] Custom sort order - Folders

Does anyone know a way to custom sort my folders? ย The default order is alphabetical, but if I have the following folders, they are not in the order of execution:

  • Delivery
  • Prototypes
  • Production
  • Quotations

The only way I can get around the automatic sorting is to use number prefixes, i.e.

  • 1 Quotations
  • 2 Prototypes
  • 3 Production
  • 4 Delivery


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110 comentรกrios
Svetlana K

Hi Catherine! Thanks for submitting your question! You're absolutely right, the current sorting logic of Folders/Projects is alphanumerical. Your idea of using numbers or symbols before a Folder/Project name is great, and it's something we usually recommend.
Please also note: if you have more than 10 Folders/Projects to number, you should start with 01, 02... and so on (some more tips can be found here). The same goes for cases when you have more than 100 top level Folders/Projects - starting with 001,002 would do it! I hope it's not your case though. :)
May I ask you how you want to see the sorting in Folders/Projects panel ideally? Would something similar to sorting in List View work for you? Looking forward to hearing from you!
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I would like to be able to, in addition to the default alphanumeric option, have a custom sort order option where I can drag and drop my folders where I want them.

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Svetlana K

Thanks so much for the clarification! This could be a very useful feature!

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As an detail for how Catherine's idea could work, is to have an additional column that is simply 'order'. When a set of folders or tasks is sorted by this order you can drag and drop to re-order, and the numbers areย automatically. You can then still toggle to other sorts, and toggle back to the order by sorting by 'order'. I think Rally does something like this.

I'm interested in this for giving tasks a relative priority.ย 

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Hi Thatcher, thanks for adding this additional info here! When you refer to adding an additional column, do you mean a column in the Table View which, when enabled, would allow for this kind of sorting? This is an interesting idea and I'm looking forward to learning more about it! Also, make sure to click the "+" under the original post to add your vote to Catherine's request, this helps us keep track of the popularity of this suggestion. :)

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Hello everyone. I have a similar problem/request when it comes to sorting. I have a folder that contains several projects. I've made a custom field in the table view "priority" (high/medium/low) and allocated a priority status to each of my projects. Now I simply want to sort my projects according to that field: high priority on top, low on the bottom. Unfortunately, this does not work. I can click on my custom field in the table as a column header but nothing happens, even if I right click the header and ask to sort descendingly or ascendingly, nothing happens. This should however be possible. Can you fix this bug? Thank you.

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Hi Elyn, thanks for reaching out and sorry for a delay in getting back to you! I checked in with our technical team, and they're going to look into this. I'm going to create a Support ticket right now so we could track this internally as well and keep you updated there. Once again, thank you for getting in touch about this!

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Will you post the ticket status here?

This is a major usabilityย issue for my team and the collaborators we invite.ย 


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Hi Matthew, thanks for posting! Are you referring to the status of the original request posted by Catherine above, or to the issue Elyn was experiencing?

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I too would like to be able to drag and drop projects and folders into a set order.

One purpose would be to set the priorities of several projects within a folder. ย This would require the ordering to be shared, as opposed to per-user.

The problem with trying to force an order via naming is that reordering in bulk is not practical, especially in a team review setting.

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The sorting of projects and folders should be an easy feature to add, since there's already that functionality on a task level. I would like to just drag and drop projects and folders in any order I need. Adding custom sorting options would be good to. Maybe add several priority levels to a Project description section and then have an ability to sort by priority (top to bottom). But on a basic level it just needs to be the same as in Tasks.ย 

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I'll vote also for this drag&drop folder sort feature.


There's a problem in the numeric version: you can't easily add an item in between. Or reorganize.

1 first

2 second

3 third

4 fourth

Now, how do I add an item between 2 and 3? Rename all after 2? What if there's 50 folders?

I clould use:

10 first

20 second

30 third

40 fourth

..and add line 25. But if there's over 10 folders, then it would be 025.

This becomes messy. Also reorganizing is troublesome.

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Sort should be able to recognize that 10 comes after 9, without having to put a zero before the 9.

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Hi Stephen, thanks for your feedback here. It's worth clarifying that the default sort is alphanumerical and the suggestion of an addition of the zero is to account for folder structures that may have more than 10 Subfolders. We appreciate your input and vote on the original suggestion and we have made our Product Team aware of it. If there are any updates we'll be sure to post here.

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This is a MAJOR issue for us. We are currently on Asana which allows you to custom sort without forcing everything to be alphanumerical. We should not be forced to put numbers in front of project/folder names simply to get them to display in the order we want. Please fix and allow this basic functionality!!!ย 

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Also a Major issue here for folders as well as sub projects.

We need to be able to add sub projects and have them in logical workflow order. Our sub projects change and have new projects add/move/delete regularly.
Having to rename them all the time to visually reflect this is reason enough to make this the deciding factor between Wrike and any one of the other 2000 web based PM tools.

You can already drag and drop sub folders and sub projects, it should just maintain location persistence when you drop them.

Is there any ETA for this feature (fix more like)??

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Hi Wayne, this is not currently on our Product Team'sย short-term roadmap but we have made the team aware of this post and your input helps them understand the popularity of this request. Thanks for sharing your input, vote and use case. Once I have any further information I'll be sure to share it here.

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I agree this is critical. Adding the number in front doesn't do the trick for us. Besides the limitations of plus 10 and adding in-between, we have folders/projects that are inside more than one folders/projects and may need to be in a different positions in each of them.

For some cases, I have a workaround (which is not very good one but is useful in some situations) was to create a dashboard where Iย created a widget for each folder and put them in the right order.

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I'd like to see the ability to sort projects/tasks in a folder based on due date.ย 

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To steal from Sagars post above. I couldn't agree more. Projects do not happen in alphanumeric order. Weย just switched fromย Asana which allows you to custom sort without forcing everything to be alphanumerical. Our team sees the alphanumeric ordering and thinks wrike us inferior to the platform we just switched from which is making the transition harder than it already has been. We should not be forced to put numbers in front of project/folder names simply to get them to display in the order we want. Please fix and allow this basic functionality!!!ย 

This should be at the top of your fixes list.
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Adding my vote (and by proxy, the votes from my report about this) to this request.

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DOWN with alphaย numeric. Custom sorting for all!!!

PLEASEย give us another option. Please....





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Prioritizing Projects by drag/drop, like you can do with Tasks,ย is definitely needed.ย  I echo what others have said about using a custom field to try to do this.ย  I've seen this requested in this forum under other postsย and have submitted this comment elsewhere myself.ย  Would love to see it happen.

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Need this urgently ! Its not a good idea to pre-pend with number to keep things sorted. When we need to change the sequence there are just too much work.

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Any update & visibility on this enhancement request?


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It's pretty tedious to have to prefix folders with numbers to ensure sorting. It reduces readability of tags, takes up precious screen space...

Also, imagine subfolders with different permissions.

Folder TEAMS, then subfolders TEAM1, TEAM2, TEAM3, TEAM4... unless you're on Enterprise edition and can disable permission inheritance, you end up with team members only seeing their team in the root of the folder section (they don't see the parent folder TEAMS)... and it gets sorted alphanumerically... we wanted teams to be on the same position for everyone... so what we needed to do was prefix everything and ended up with:

01 - TEAMS
ย  ย  0101 - TEAM1
ย  ย  0102 - TEAM2
ย  ย  0103 - TEAM3
ย  ย  0104 - TEAM4


It doesn't really look great...

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Definitely need drag and drop prioritisation. Having a numeric custom field and then having to manually edit multiple items just because an item was reprioritised is not an effective way of doing things!

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Any updates on this?



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I'm waiting to update this...

Numbering in front of the project or task is not good way I think because some projects and folders are sharing with other people.. If I put the numbers than other people's folder name will be changed as well..

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It's been a year and a half man, come on. Drag & drop sorting is BASIC functionality that so many other PM tools have. I came over from monday.com only because of the cross-project Gantt layout option. Your're an Online Project Management Tool, come on, you should know projectsย aren't prioritised by alphabetical order.ย 

Fix it.

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