[Status: Not Planned] Printing
I am a little disappointed because I go to a lot of meetings and would like to show my active projects and all I want to do is print a screen like this one.
Yet, I don't have the option of printing it. And if I try to print it, it's horrible and chopped up. And if I export it to Excel it looks really bad. If I try to recreate this through your reports, it takes a while to make the report have the info I want and again it does not print right. Can you bring back the printing ability from this screen.
This would be super helpful!!
Agree. This would be VERY helpful for our meetings as well. Would also like to see a feature that allows us the option to print the calendars we set up in Wrike
Agreed. I would like to be able to print out a complete project to take and share at meetings. My only additional comment would be an option to include the description for all tasks and sub-tasks.
Not be able to make PDFs and t having to export to excel is a major reason why I'm considering other project management tools
Not be able to make PDFs and t having to export to excel is a major reason why I'm considering other project management tools
This would be very very helpful.
Hi @All, thanks for sharing your feedback here, it is all passed to our Product team. For now, I don't have an update to share with you, but I'll get back to you when I have news. Once the suggestion hits 60 votes, we'll add one of the Product Feedback statuses to it.
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
The printing functionality of Wrike is abysmal. I can't believe, in this day and age, that it's not better. I'm sure the argument will be, "In this day and age why are you printing anything?!", but, sometimes you just have to.
Asana has great printing capabilities. It just can't be "I'll pass that to our production team if enough people complain about it." What a feeble attempt at a function that should have been in place on day one.
Agreed, we would like to print the table view or the tasks list. It is a shame we cannot do it...
I have actually moved to another product precisely because of this limitation. I love nearly all the functionality that Wrike has and think that the flexibility and design overall is terrific. But not being able to extract and print effectively to present information is exceptionally frustrating and has compelled me to sacrifice other functionality that Wrike has to utilize a product that enables printing. As the other commenter above noted, I would think this shouldn't require people being so incredibly frustrated that they are compelled to comment and "vote"... it seems like a poor way to gauge user needs/frustrations. Really hate to leave the product but I had no other choice.
Hello-reports look much better on the wrike platform, so we'd love to be able to print reports and table views rather than print from excel
Printing, especially Gantt charts, would be ever so helpful. Currently, it appears that there is no way to do that.
I agree. Printing is a much needed feature!
I'm shocked to see so many different threads spanning multiple years that request printing or pdf creation of reports and somehow that feature is not addressed, even with a work-around. exporting to xls and printing or converting to pdf is not sufficient. Too much visual information changes in the export.
Why would you buy/create/use a package you can't print from?
It looks like we aren't the only people needing this. I haven't seen a system you couldn't print from before.
I've lost heart with making comments in these forums because it appears nothing ever happens but anyway +1. Should be able to print.
Hi everyone, thank you for all of your feedback and apologies for the delay since the last update.
While it is possible to print the Task view, List view, and Gantt Chart, it is currently not possible to print directly from Table View or Reports. I understand that this can be frustrating, but rest assured that all of your feedback is being passed on to our Product team. While we would love to implement every request on the Community, there are multiple reasons why this is not possible. You can read more about the process here.
As soon as I have any updates, I'll let you know. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or any further feedback that our Product team can use in their future discussions about this.
Printing report via Wrike still NOT POSSIBLE?. If not what options are available to print Project report?.
I share your frustrations! I'm two weeks away from quarterly report time and still have not real solutions to the lack of printing capacity... I will now waste about an hour generating pdf reports for project components that I thought I'd be able to simply print when I set them up...
My colleagues and I have worked out a hack where I cut and paste raw html code from the view of interest into a template file we've generated, then view that html page and print to pdf. It's "prettier" than the version I get from downloading to excel and then trying to reformat and print. It takes about the same amount of time (which is much more than I thought I would need to put into this when I purchased the product).
Hey everyone, thank you for your continued feedback here! It's been passed on to the Product team.
I am, once again, trying to print quarterly reports and once again cannot do so directly. Not only that, but the work around I had spent several hours creating 6 months ago, then spent several hours fixing 3 months ago due to coding changes in Wrike is now broken again.
This is just not a viable way for our project to function. I will need to explore other platforms for our project.
Hey Cathy Mader, apologies for the delay in response here.
We don't have any updates to share, but we do continue to pass on your feedback to our Product team. If you'd like further assistance, or if you have any additional questions do let me know.
Elaine Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Learn about Wrike’s killer features and best practices with our Online Training Webinars
Elaine Wrike Team member Learn about Wrike’s killer features and best practices with our Online Training Webinars
Good morning,
we just recently joined Wrike and love all functions and the carefully crafted UI.
Not being able to print is, however, not understandable. It seems that the Wrike team lives in a digital bubble of tech-companies. We are in construction and property development. Not being able to print any view (table, list, gantt, reports) with fully flagged options to customize the print (e.g. for gantt one would need to do the page size, page spilt, repetition of rows or columns...) and the format (e.g. PDF, JPG, ...) is dangerous. It means that the management team in the office is able to use it, but the team on site actually building the projects can't use it. This will lead to a lot of broken links in communication which can be very expensive. I thought that Wrike is designed to have the entire team being part of the planning process, and not shutting out everybody in the team who doesn't work on a screen.
Hi Joel Baur, thanks for getting in touch.
We appreciate you taking the time to share your use case here, it's really valuable and I've passed it on to the Product Team. We don't have any updates in relation to this request, but if this changes I'll be sure to update the thread.
If you need assistance with anything else, please don't hesitate to ask.
Elaine Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Learn about Wrike’s killer features and best practices with our Online Training Webinars
Elaine Wrike Team member Learn about Wrike’s killer features and best practices with our Online Training Webinars
Hi folks, I wanted to share a quick update to confirm that there are no plans to introduce this functionality at this time.
I understand that this will come as disappointing news, but rest assured that your feedback has been shared with the team. If there are any changes in the future to this, we'll be sure to let you know here 👍
Elaine Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Learn about Wrike’s killer features and best practices with our Online Training Webinars
Elaine Wrike Team member Learn about Wrike’s killer features and best practices with our Online Training Webinars
So, correct me if I am wrong. In this thread alone, which is coming up on 3 years old, the community has been told multiple times, "We appreciate you taking the time to provide feedback, it's really valuable and I've passed it on to the Product Team." After all this time, the product team has decided that it does not intend to offer the feature that has been requested with a little thumbs up at the end of the statement. I am sure there are reasons for this, and I for one would appreciate a little more of an explanation.
I imagine if I searched a little bit, I would find many other requests for a feature to print from Wrike. Quite frankly, it does not sound like you appreciate the feedback enough to either provide a reasonable explanation or better yet, provide a fix.
Thanks a lot for sharing your thoughts here Stephen Curtin! Our Product team does indeed receive all the feedback from the Community and other feedback channels as well, and they do appreciate it when you are sharing your ideas and suggestions with us. They can't unfortunately implement everything. We share a little more detail on that in this post, so please check it out if you're interested.
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
This functionality use to exist to print from the list or table view with the filters applied. It is making it hard to print reports and there is also no print option from the report page. This is not good usability.
Hi Jessica, thanks for reaching out! It should be possible to print from the List View, could you please check and let me know if that works for you?
For Reports printing, the team isn't planning this at the moment, but we continue to pass on your feedback to them. I'd also suggest upvoting this suggestion 👍
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover