Custom Workflow in 'My Work'

It would be nice to be able to set a Custom Workflow to be applied to tasks created via 'My Work'.  Right now it seems as if those tasks are automatically given the 'Default Workflow', which isn't the one most members of my team use for anything and creates issues for us when those tasks are migrated into a shared folder or project.

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If "My Work" has become "My To-Do" in the last 6 years, then I am experiencing the same issue and would like to be able to apply my Custom (account-level) Workflow to any new task created from My To-Do list.

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Hi Drew Story, welcome to Wrike Community 👋

Thank you for reaching out and supporting this idea! I'll now share your feedback with the responsible Product team.

We don't have updates at the moment, but we'll let you know if we have any news here in the future. Be sure to upvote the original post above as votes show our team the amount of interest for different suggestions here. Here's a post that explains about voting and statuses in the Product Feedback forum 👍

Let me know if you need help with anything 🙋

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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