Task 'feed' doesn't show who did actions, only some.

We are trying to train our employees as best as possible and it's getting really difficult to narrow down who needs to be taught what because of feeds like THIS: Pedro in this thread only left a comment, everything else was done by myself and another employee from their account. But there is no name to the left of those actions, so we don't know who is doing things. We need to train employees to click "Approve" or "Changes Required" on proofs, for example, some do it some don't - but we can't even tell if this employee clicked it or not because everything just goes under their name - I know this wasn't him because *I* changed the status myself, yet my name only appears next to a couple of random items. This appears to be a genuine bug. 

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Hey Joey Lopez, thanks for reaching out! Hope you don't mind if I raise a Support ticket for this so that the team can look into this 👍

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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