Inbox Notifications are Inconsistent - Have more toggling on Inbox notifications.

I recently found out that Wrike disables notifications on when tasks are created using a bulk method i.e. having a project created from a request form based on a project template. 

I understand you don't want to flood emails/inboxes, but it creates an inconsistent experience when we train our teams to rely on inbox notifications. 

We use request forms to kickoff projects, and our templates have several tasks but with many different assignees. It's frustrating they aren't receiving notifications when these get created. I'd love the ability to toggle that notification setting to allow users who want to receive them to receive them

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Hi Lauren, thanks for this feedback. It makes sense and I would also like to see more notification options in the Email Addresses section of the Profile section. And we're not alone: Tighe requested this and other members are discussing and voting on the post. It would great if we could get your vote and input there too 👍

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