I'm a dum dum - should I try Trello or Monday instead?

I'm really dumb and new to project management. I can create lists all day long and want to systemize my workflow, but I feel like I can't do basic things with Wrike. Right now I can't even figure out how to do a parent folder. Like I can figure how to indent and outdent, but there's only one parent folder and everything collapses under that, but I want there to be multiple parent folders. It doesn't seems like that's possible despite trying for an hour. I reviewed Knowledge Base and didn't find an answer.  I can't figure out if the software doesn't do what I'm trying to do, or if I'm just dumb and can't figure it out.

Does anyone have a suggestion for learning how to use Wrike as intended? Like I need to learn to work within its parameters but I don't know what the parameters are if that makes sense.

What resources should I use to get over the learning curve? Or should I try a different project management tool?

Thank you for entertaining my dumbness.

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3 commenti

Cassie Spector - Hi Cassie - welcome to Wrike! I do not know your specific use case, but when I was evaluating project management software, Wrike was the only tool that did everything I wanted it to (and I tested a lot of them - Monday.com, Asana, SmartSheets, Kintone, ClickUp, to name a few). However, Wrike is so flexible it's overwhelming when starting. With Wrike, I've been able to build a Product Launch program, an employee feedback program, a business review space, and a goal-setting space. 

I also have these links for onboarding folks as well: 

Also, if you go to https://help.wrike.com/hc/en-us, they have interactive training and videos that can help you get started. 

The community is really good at answering specific questions. Like how do I do ____? Come back here and keep asking if you cannot find what you are looking for in the help videos/training. 

To create a folder, use the plus sign by projects and folders in the space where you want the folder to live. 

Then pick Folder, give it a name, and pick the default view. See below: 

Let me know if that helps.

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Before to change to another project management tool, try Wrike Discover (https://www.wrike.com/discover/) here you can learnn how to use Wrike.

Start with this: https://discover.wrike.com/learn/lp/58/the-beginner

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Try just talking across the office it's quite helpful so you dont have to use computers. if that doesn't work try monday i heard its good

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