How to create calendars which show only start and end date?
How to create calendars that show only the start and end date of the task?
I am trying to create a calendar where I can show the task assignment for the project, but only the start and end date to be aware of that.
Hi Jessica Lanchimba, welcome to the Community! Thank you for creating this post. I'm afraid that I'm not sure I fully understand your case. May I ask you to elaborate a bit on what you're aiming to achieve?
In Calendars or Calendar view, tasks are represented by bars spanning the dates from their start to due date. Would you like to see tasks represented by, for example, a bar appearing on the start date and another on the due date?
Looking forward to your reply!
I'm hoping to get a calendar view that doesn't show bars spanning from due date to start date. I would like a view with the option to only show a bar on the start date and due date. The reason is I have several tasks spanning the same duration, so the calendar gets very clunky seeing several bars across dates. It would look cleaner if I can only show when a task starts and when it is due.
Hi Megan Brown,
in calendar view you can only see task in this way
To obtain something like you want you'll need to have 2 milestones for each task, one aligned with start date and one with end date.
But I think it's too much complex to manage