Feature Request - Add Status Requests Task History

When requesting a status update, please consider adding the message being sent to the user, and its time stamp, in the comments.

Upvote 27
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22 commenti

Hi Travis, thank you for posting this idea on the Community! This sounds interesting, and I'd love to hear about your use case and workflow to understand the need for this functionality a bit more. Looking forward to continuing this discussion!

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My original idea was to use the built in Request Update functionality. After using it, I found the comment history didn't have what had been sent, or how many times.

I realize the simplest solution is to alert the task owner by using their handle and adding ^^ to the comment, but I like the seeded copy Wrike provides as it made my job easier/faster. When I came back to find how many times I had requested an update, I was empty handed.

Does that help?

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I agree with Travis, I would like to see it in the history. It would be helpful rather than use @ mention. 

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It would also be nice to have the Requests appear in the SENT section of the INBOX. I agree with Travis that its helpful to know how many times you've had to request updates. 

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@Travis, sorry for the very late response! That use case makes sense and helps our team better understand the suggestion and implementation.

Thank you, Jennifer and Lauren, for your vote and input here too!

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Agree with all of the above.  We have tried the @user in comments.  However, we have a number of people that are passive users and struggle.


We want to use request update function as an audit trail for those failing to complete tasks in timely manner. 

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I agree in this request. I would like to see what requests have been sent and when, so the idea of attaching the message to the task sounds really good. And any reply on a request email, should also be added to the task. We were in the same position: Considering to roll out with the "Request status update", but due to this, we will end with using comments and hope that users have not turned off their notifications for this. 

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I can't believe this is not already a function!  😟

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Agree with all the above (that was started over a year ago).

There should be a log of requests.

Should also be able to create a dashboard widget to show requests sent and indicate if there have been changes to the task (or project) since then.

Without this it is a bit benign as there is no trigger for "ignored requests".

Wrike should put a "marker" on the project which is removed once an action is taken and also provide a direct update

Currently I have to make a list of what I'm chasing and then keep going through it. Wrike brings no benefit to this process.

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I agree with the folks above, status request has to be monitored, it makes no sense to try to make someone accountable if the action cannot be tracked back to root. I think the status request should be part of the comments section, this way one will have the message sent in the same view as the rest of the process. 

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I agree as well! 


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I agree with this group. I would like to be able to more easily follow up on status update requests.

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Hi @Everyone, thanks for your sharing your feedback here. It is all passed to our Product team, and upvotes of the original suggestion help them assess its popularity among Wrike users. For now, I don't have an update to share with you, but I'll get back to you when I have news.

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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I agree with Dan Birtwell on this. We should be able to create a widget that shows all of our requests in a dashboard.

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Fully agree with all this.  My team just came on to Wrike and was looking forward to what looked like a good feature, but in reality, I rate this feature very "empty."  All it does as far as I can tell is send an Email to the Assignee, with no traceability whatsoever in Wrike itself.  Practically speaking, I'd be better off @mentioning the assignee and asking, but the ability to track when an update was requested, say vs. when the response came in, or when the task was done, would be very useful in tracking productivity. 

Hope you guys come through with this soon!

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As Lisa (on the community team) said ^^, if we want to get this prioritized sooner rather than later "upvotes to the original suggestion helps the project team assess the popularity".

I made this request in March of 2017. Clearly 16 upvotes as of 7/17 @10:15 am CST isn't enough. Let's rally and invite others to upvote the original request.

Thanks, everyone.

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As a new Wrike user, I thought I just wasn't looking in the right place(s) to see the status update requests I'd sent. I love this feature . . . or I thought I did until I discovered that I have no way to know who I already poked!  This seems fairly basic to me.  Thanks!


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Want to 2nd this again, and also vote for the entirety of the activity around the update being in comments, so if you send the Update Request the respondent can respond via Email, but that response would copy into the comments.

Really hoping for movement on this guys, 2 1/2 years?  Even without the 60 votes I'd think you'd want to improve a feature you came out with just out of principle.  I'd feel bad if I released a feature with such potential, then just left it unimproved for a few years!


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Want to 2nd this again, and also vote for the entirety of the activity around the update being in comments, so if you send the Update Request the respondent can respond via Email, but that response would copy into the comments.

Really hoping for movement on this guys, 2 1/2 years?  Even without the 60 votes I'd think you'd want to improve a feature you came out with just out of principle.  I'd feel bad if I released a feature with such potential, then just left it unimproved for a few years!


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Would be great to see some traction on this improvement request. I agree with above replies where a status request should go into the updates section. This gives much more visibility to the team when and to whom status requests were sent.

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The original request would be a great benefit. The feature to "request status update" from a task is great but there is no history to show how often, by whom, or when the status update was requested. We try to just have the discipline to add a comment stating we've requested the update but then the assignee is getting double the notifications - first for the actual status update request and second for the comment being added on their task. An automated comment would serve as a huge benefit so it can easily be tracked how often someone has had to follow up on a particular task. 

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Hey everyone, thank you for all of your feedback here! It's been passed on to the Product team.

I don't have an update for you at the moment, but as soon as I do, I'll let you know.

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